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The CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics Teklu Erkossa (PhD) Researcher, Land and Water Resources International Water Management.

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Presentation on theme: "The CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics Teklu Erkossa (PhD) Researcher, Land and Water Resources International Water Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics Teklu Erkossa (PhD) Researcher, Land and Water Resources International Water Management Institute, Regional office for East Africa and Nile Basin

2 Global Development Challenges Hunger and Poverty Malnutrition and disease Environmental degradation Climate change

3 CGIAR System Level Outcomes: 1. Reducing rural poverty. 2. Increasing food security. 3. Improving nutrition and health. 4. Sustainable management of natural resources.

4 The Humid Tropics Region Vast region: – covers almost 3 billion hectares of land – Population: approx. 2.9 billion people, mostly poor smallholder farmers. An area with great wealth of resources and potential Biggest gap between ecological / human potential and productivity / livelihood standards.

5 High Potential High potential on basis of agro-ecological resources: – Water, soils, flora, fauna, etc. High risk of degradation: – Soil degradation: fertility; erosion – Deforestation: biodiversity loss – Pests and Diseases – Post harvest losses High Risk

6 Unlocking the Potential – … Humidtropics as Key … Four Elements (Ps): People (principal focus on smallholder farmers, women) Production System (productivity and stability – including loss and waste) Partnerships (Processes, innovation platform, capacity strengthening) Policies (markets, incentives, institutions,

7 Humidtropics Goal To improve overall productivity, and transform the lives of rural poor in the humid tropics, through systems approaches: Target ecologies: – Humid lowlands, moist savannas and tropical highlands – 3 major Impact Zones: Sub-Saharan Africa Tropical America and Asia In Identified Action Areas: Sub-Saharan Africa Tropical America Asia The Major Impact Zones

8 Tier 2: Four sites: 2015-2020 Tier 1: Four sites: 2012-2017 Tier 3: Three sites: 2017-2022 Action Areas – SSA Impact Zone

9 SRT 1 Systems analysis and synthesis SRT 2 Integrated systems improvement SRT 3 Scaling and institutional innovation International public goods Development trajectories M&E framework R4D innovation Systems productivity Markets & institutions Natural Resources Management new farm opportunities Adaptive management M&E process Action area level R4D scaling Enabling environment (markets, policies, institutions and infrastructure) Gender opportunities Scalability options & pathways opportunities mainstreamed Situation analyses Critical entry pointsR4D platforms Global syntheses Action site level Multi level Three Strategic Research Themes (SRTs)

10 Anticipated Outcomes (15yrs) Staple food yields Average farm income Lifting of poor households above the poverty line, Number of malnourished children Restoring farms to sustainable resource management. 60% 50% 25% 30%

11 Approaches Focuses on entire system within which agriculture is practiced – People are at center Systems thinking and analysis is central Sustainable intensification is key Multi- disciplinary; Multi- institutional; multi-sectoral linkages – R4D Platforms; Innovation Platforms – Gender; Women and youth

12 R4D Platforms at different Levels LEVELS: – Action Area eg. East and Central Africa – Action Site: Ethiopia, Uganda – Field Site: Diga, Jeldu – Strategic domain / Issue

13 Intermediate Development Outcomes - Elements Productivity of production/farming systems increased while sustaining NR integrity Improved livelihoods in terms of income, assets and nutritional status Increased (adaptive) capacity for technical and institutional innovation Increased opportunities for women and vulnerable groups and improved control by them over assets, inputs and decision-making


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