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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BUSINESS Recent Developments."— Presentation transcript:


2 What has changed in the past 10 years?  Methods of communication  Availability of information  Homeworking increased  Computer functions improved  Methods of storage  The internet  The name - ICT

3 Main uses of Information Technology  DECISION MAKING  Spreadsheets and internet can assist managers in their work  PROVISION OF INFORMATION  Easier to get information to people using email  Charts and graphs can be produced easily and assist the sales department

4  MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS  Databases can save vast amounts of information  HR department will benefit  COMMUNICATION  Various packages can be used to communicate information  Email, internet, video-conferencing, word processor etc

5 Types of ICT - hardware  PC – desktop, laptop, handheld  Videoconferencing – cameras linked to computer  Telecommunications – instantaneous via telephone digital network or satellite

6  Multi-media equipment – digital camera, animation etc  e-commerce – using the internet for selling  Computer controlled machinery – robotics for production etc

7 What software is available?  Database  Spreadsheet  Word Processing  Desktop Publishing  Computer Graphics  Electronic Diary  Communication

8 NETWORKING  Joining computers together to share resources and communicate  Requires File Server (mainframe computer)  Connected using Fibre Optic Cables  Transfer of information is managed using ‘switches’

9 LANWAN  LOCAL AREA NETWORK  Computers in a small area or building  Fortrose Academy  Easy to manage(?)  Less room for error  WIDE AREA NETWORK  Computers linked in remote locations often using satellite  Ford or Nissan  Require specialist management

10  Agriculture - machinery, pesticides, biological research, GM research  Oil Industry - drilling and research, processing of oil  Fishing - fish farming, refrigerated boats, tagging of fish APPLICATIONS IN THE PRIMARY SECTOR

11 Can we really buy anything on the internet? TEST THE THEORY  I would like you to find:-  Flowers for a birthday  The latest book by Tad Williams and  Someone to design and print my wedding stationery

12 APPLICATIONS IN THE SECONDARY SECTOR  Robots in production processes  Computer aided design  Computer aided manufacture  Computer integrated manufacture  New materials and uses for them

13 APPLICATIONS IN THE TERTIARY SECTOR  Government services - health care, police, fire  Financial services - telephone banking, internet  Hotels, restaurants and transport (travel)  Advertising and retail

14 BENEFITS OF ICT  Aids decision-making, speeds up information transfer and handling  Allows businesses to be more competitive  Increases labour productivity  Decrease in customer complaints  Decreased costs due to homeworking  Improved working environment – safety  Higher incomes

15 COSTS OF ICT  Capital investment may be high – hardware and software can be expensive  Systems can be bought or leased  Training will often be required  Businesses must be proactive in keeping up with developments  Breakdowns  Motivation  Management  IT problems


17 Health and Safety Issues  Working on computers can cause risk to health  The ergonomics of workstations should be considered  Furniture should be adjustable  Eye tests should be available

18 Data Protection Acts  Data Protection Act was introduced in 1984 because of concerns about the amount of information being held on computer systems

19 Basic Principles  The Data Protection Act provides rights for individuals and requires organisations to follow good information-handling practice.  The 1984 Act covers information held on computer

20 Recent Amendments  The Data Protection Act 1998 came into force on 1 March 2000.  It replaces the 1984 Act.  The new Act covers manual records as well as those on computer eg health records, school records, and some social services records.

21 Key Terms  Data User = almost anyone who uses a collection of personal data held on computer  Personal Data = information about a living, identifiable person

22 Eight Principles  Personal Data must be:  processed fairly and lawfully  be obtained only for one or more specified, lawful and compatible purposes  be adequate, relevant and not excessive  be accurate and up-to-date  not be kept for too long  be processed in accordance with the Act  be protected by proper security  not be transferred without consent

23 If a data user does not comply... The Registrar can serve 3 notices:  an enforcement notice  a deregistration notice  a transfer prohibition notice - to prevent the data being transferred overseas Failure to comply is a criminal offence

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