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 Inquisitive  Looks up to Jem  Intelligent, learns to read at a young age  Narrator of the novel  Solves problems with her fists  Tomboy  Opinionated.

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Presentation on theme: " Inquisitive  Looks up to Jem  Intelligent, learns to read at a young age  Narrator of the novel  Solves problems with her fists  Tomboy  Opinionated."— Presentation transcript:


2  Inquisitive  Looks up to Jem  Intelligent, learns to read at a young age  Narrator of the novel  Solves problems with her fists  Tomboy  Opinionated  Brave

3  Brave, daring  Curious about Boo Radley  Four years older than Scout  Obsessed with curiosity about the Radley family  Mature

4  Old One Shot  Smart  Lawyer defending a black man in court  Treats his children with mutual respect

5  Unreliable, not sure when he is telling the truth  Spends the summer in Meridian, MS with his aunt Rachel Haverford  Proposes marriage to Scout!  Has seen Dracula  Curious  Passed around between relatives

6  “All angles and bones” (skinny)  Educated  Nanny for the Finch family, cooks and cares for the kids  Taught Scout how to write  Doesn’t know how old she is  Been friends with the Finch family since before Jem & Scout  Talks differently when in her neighborhood  Grammar slips when she’s angry  Taught her kids how to read and write

7  Looks and smells like a peppermint  New to Maycomb, from Northern Alabama  Brings the Dewey Decimal System to Maycomb  No more than 21 years old, straight out of college  Does not know the locals and family trends in Maycomb  The boy students like her

8  Lives across the street from the Finch family  Likes to garden and bake  Optimistic  Her house burns down  Grew up with uncle Jack  Hates gossip  Treats Jem, Scout & Dill with respect  Baptist  Moves in with Stephanie Crawford  Makes Lane Cake without giving out her recipe

9  Big Gossip  Lives on the same street as the Finch family  Not married, no children

10  Boo Radley’s older brother  Plugs up the knothole in the tree where Scout & Jem found gifts  Foot-washing Baptist  Jem & Scout are not interested/curious as much any more (in the second half) about the Radleys

11  Very strict & proper  Tries to keep family traditions  Constantly telling Atticus how he should raise his kids  Tries to get rid of Calpurnia  Concerned about Scout, trying to make her into a lady  Concerned about class, family history, and race

12  Reverend at 1 st Purchase Church (Cal’s church)  Sits with Jem & Scout in the colored balcony in the courtroom  Tries to raise $10 for Tom Robinson’s family

13  Sheriff of Maycomb County  Testifies at the trial  Found Mayella bruised and beaten  Not a good shot

14  Prosecutor defending the Ewell family  Made Dill cry  Scout doesn’t know him that well  Does not treat Tom Robinson respectfully during the trial.

15  Bad arm, stuck in a cotton gin when he was young, it is now useless  Has a wife and children  Honest, doesn’t take money from Mayella  Innocent in trial, accused of raping Mayella

16  Lazy, relaxed in trials/court  Fair  Doesn’t kiss his wife much ….has a wife  Chews cigars

17  Mayella’s dad  Drunk/alcoholic  Abusive  Lives behind a dump in a cabin  Racist  Has a lot of kids  Hunts  Spends most of his money on liquor  illiterate

18  Garden-red geraniums  Tries to be presentable, doesn’t like her lifestyle, makes due with what she has  Doesn’t have friends  19 years old  Acts like a mother to siblings  Not used to respect, thinks Atticus is mocking her when he says “mam”….

19  Runs the Maycomb paper  Back up for Atticus at the jail, guarding Tom Robinson


21  Gave scout the blanket  Isolated from society  In a gang  Radleys become less interesting to Jem & Scout

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