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Published byGervais Allen Modified over 9 years ago
1 GRC SPACE OPERATIONS PROJECT OFFICE Space Communications Office SCaN Testbed Project Monthly Status Review D. Malarik, Project Manager D. Irimies, Deputy Project Manager R. Reinhart, Project Principal Investigator L. Herrington, Resource Analyst October 19, 2012 1
2 GRC Project Manager: MSC/Diane Malarik Chief Engineer: DT/Josh Freeh Safety & Mission Assurance Lead: Q/R. Plastow NASA Customer: SCaN Program/John Rush Key Contractor(s): GESS/Vantage; SpaceDOC/ZIN Project Mission Statement: Develop and demonstrate experiments on ISS that will advance the TRL of Software Defined Radios (SDR) and the Space Telecommunications Radio Standard (STRS) in support of future NASA missions. Operate and maintain a communications, navigation, and networking testbed, and Project Life Cycle Schedule HTV Docked to ISS Flight System in TVAC SCaN Testbed Project MilestonesSRRIVRPDRCDRPh III Safety SARORRLaunchOpsOn-Orbit Expts ReturnFinal Report Actual/ Baseline 5/200810/20089/20094/201008/201110/20116/20127/2012Inc. 32=>01/2013N/A Installed onto ISS ELC GRC Scope: The SCaN Testbed project is defined as the design, build, launch, and operations of the SCAN Testbed, as well as the development, integration and on-orbit execution of experiments and other users. GRC leads a multi-partner team (GSFC, JPL, JSC, General Dynamics and Harris) to operate for a minimum of 3 years. Project closeout will occur no earlier than 2018, or upon Program direction, with SCAN Testbed decommissioning, disposal, and final documentation.
3 Status CostScheduleTechnicalMgmt Current MonthGGGR Prior MonthGGGR Stoplight Status and Explanations CURRENT MONTH EXPLANATIONS MgmtReason and Potential ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date R Workforce Shortages in RF and Comm: 1.Realized impact: idled the SCaN Testbed on orbit for >2 weeks, delayed completion of Checkout & Commissioning past Dec 31 (into end of Jan.). 2.Completion of first 2 experiments will be delayed (S-band and Ka-band technology) 3.Project is descoping an experiment currently in development (Hi Rate Bandwidth Efficient Ka-band WF development) 1a.Project pursuing SSC thru existing contractor responsible for SE&I, including RF SME role. In work. 1b.Assign Bryan Welch to SCaN Testbed full time until new RF SME is identified to cover RF Checkout, Antenna Characterization, APS and SDR Commissioning (Sep’12– Jan’13). Done. 1c. Seeking support from Code D/R. Done. Obtained supporting role from Code RHE, but still need full-time RF SME. 2. Accept smaller GRC experiment portfolio and deploy resources to securing, integrating and operating outside experiments 1. Dec 2012?
4 SCaN Testbed Master Schedule Overview
5 Where are we? 5
6 Remaining Checkout & Commissioning Activities RF Checkout: 10 days (2 completed) 1.Antenna Characterization: 15 days (was supposed to start Sep 24) Antenna Characterization procedure development and planning in preparation for on-orbit ops the week of 10/22 2.JPL Commissioning: 5 days Experimenter submitited test matrix 3.GD Commissioning: 5 days Experimenter working test matrix 4.APS Commissioning: 15 days 5.Harris Commissioning: 5 days Experimenter working test matrix Timely completion of Commissioning hinges on development and submission of scripts / test matrices – Required ~6 weeks prior to date of execution T-5w: Develop procedures T-4w: Dry runs on GIU T-3w: Mission Ops to request ISS, SN, and NEN services. 6
7 Experiments 1 and 2 (S- and Ka-band SDR Technology Advancement) – Performing characterization of GIU engineering model SDRs to allow on-orbit performance predictions for new waveforms – Developing JPL SDR waveform enhancements on GIU for upload to flight Signal-to-noise ratio estimator Received power estimator – Developing experiment plans to prepare for upcoming on-orbit operations Experiment 3 (Baseline Networking & Routing) – Working experiment plan and detailed execution/development schedule. – Developing ground interfaces for bidirectional data transfer to SCAN TB. Experiment 6 (Bandwidth Efficient, High-Rate WF at Ka-Band) – Creating an experiment plan to address future development and operations – Placing procurements for software development environment Experiments 7, 8, 9 (SBIR Phase 1 – complete August 2012) – Evaluating SBIRs for potential phase 2 awards; the SBIR portfolio includes work in codeless GPS, scintillation-hardened GPS, and cognitive waveforms. Experiment 25a – TDRS-K Autotrack: Kick-off meeting at GSFC held on Sep. 17 Draft Experiment Plan started Experiments Status
8 General Experiment Support Activities Experiment Development System (EDS): Breadboard SDRs and Avionics Systems for Initial Experiment Development – Provides new experimenters a system for waveform development/testing Less fidelity than GIU; less restriction on scheduling/operations Working on remote access capability – IT security issues – Held EDS Design Review, proceeding with component procurement and fab Completed Installation, Functional Verification, and part of Performance Characterization of GIU GPS (in support of Experiment 4 / JPL GPS) Verified GIU Traveling Wavetube Amplifier Pre-Amp circuit design – For final Ka-Band Waveform V & V on the Scan Testbed GIU, the Spare LRO TWTA will be utilized. – When performing V & V, the Spare LRO TWTA will have to be driven into saturation the same amount as that of the Flight System. – Now proceeding with fabrication, assembly, and installation of the Pre Amplifier on the GIU.
9 RF Subsystem Checkout Operations – 10/15: Harris/SN-HGA – First Ka-band receive test Successful RF subsystem test Initial review of antenna pattern looks good – 10/16: GD/SN-LGA, NEN-LGA – First transmit test NEN-LGA test with Space Network is in support of NEN power level troubleshooting – 10/17: Harris/SN HGA – First closed loop, Ka-band transmit tests Continued closed loop RF lock through ISS reboost Upcoming: – 10/18: RF Subsystem Checkout complete – 10/22: Antenna Characterization begins 9
10 Other Technical Issues in Work Ongoing NEN power level investigation ISS inhibits (EVR, EVA, visiting vehicles) continue to challenge planning – Flight rules being re-evaluated based on new/updated RF radiation limits 10
11 ISS Inhibit Example 11
12 Project-Level Items Provided Tour of STB GIU and Control Center on Oct 19 th for CCSDS Fall Meeting Visitors (20+) Held Schedule Workshop on October 16 – Baselined majority of schedule (open item: SW), including Experiments 12
13 SCAN Testbed Top Project Risks Approach M – Mitigate W – Watch A – Accept R – Research C – Closed Criticality Decreasing (Improving) Increasing (Worsening) Unchanged N New L x C Trend 5 4 3 2 1 1 2345 LIKELIHOODLIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCES LxC Trend RankApproachRisk Title 1M Underfunded Operations and Experiments Phase 2M Experimenter Software Interface C 3M,WELC HRDL Repair - CLOSED High Med Low 1 2 3 STATUS AS OF: 8/8/12
14 Upcoming Events CoNNeCT Lessons Learned and Cost Performance (Dry Run) – October 22 TSD Program Status Review – October 23 HQ OCE Survey In-Brief – October 24 HQ OCE Survey Interview – November 5 GRC 2012 SCaN TSD Annual Review – November 8 CoNNeCT Lessons Learned and Cost Performance Outbrief - November 9 (TBR) SCaN QPMR – November 14-15 (JPL) TDRS-K Dress Rehearsal (Dry Runs) – November 19
15 Back Up
16 Satisfied by Checkout & Commissioning Satisfied by Experimentation > > We need Experiments to satisfy project criteria < < Mission Success Criteria Assessment
17 Mission Success Criteria Assessment
18 Level 1 Requirement Assessment SCaN Testbed has 27 Level 1 Reqs - science type “wills” and “shalls” 19 requirements can be met with current funding – Basic S-band connection to TDRS and direct to ground – Basic Ka-band connection to TDRS – GPS L1, L2, and L5, etc...
19 Level 1 Requirement Assessment 8 Requirements (Experiments) need additional $ to meet the Level 1 Reqs – Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN)and Internet Protocol (IP) routing: More experiment development, SW and Expt Integration – Testbed capabilities available to industry: More SW, Expt Integration, and Expt Dev – Demonstrate various levels of compliance with STRS: More Expt development – Develop library of software devices that have legacy value: More Experimenters, SW and Comm support – Demonstrate Comm, Nav, and networking technologies: More than a single experiment – Ground based system used for testing and upload of new waveforms: More Experiment Development System support – TDRS Augmentation Service for Satellites (TASS): Funded in FY15/16 at JPL Additional funding needed to develop experiments and the infrastructure (SW and integration) to support them.
Risk Type Sub Risk Type 12345 Safety Personnel Minor injury not requiring first aid treatment. Minor injury regarding first aid treatment. Medical treatment for a minor injury, illness. Permanent or major injury, illness or incapacitation. Death Flight SystemsN/A Minor damage to flight systems. Major damage to flight systems Loss of flight assets. Ground Facilities/ Equipment Negligible damage to Non-Critical ground facilities or systems. Minor damage to Non-Critical ground facilities or systems. Moderate damage to critical ground facilities or systems. -Or- Loss of Non-critical Major damage to critical ground facilities or systems Loss of critical ground facilities or systems. Technical Requirements No impact to meeting performance and/or other mission objectives. L4 requirements and/or other mission objectives cannot be met. L3 requirements and/or other mission objectives cannot be met. L2 requirements and/or other mission objectives cannot be met. L1 requirements and/or mission objectives cannot be met. Operations Negligible impact to mission objectives/ operations Minor impact to mission objectives/ operations - workarounds available. Moderate impact to mission objectives/ operations. Major impact to mission objectives/ operations - workarounds not available. Unable to achieve major mission objective/operations. Cost <$50K$50K - $100K$101K - $250K$251K - $500K>$500K Schedule 2-4 week delay to major project milestone. 1-3 month delay to major project milestone. 3-4 month delay to major project milestone. 4-6 month delay to major project milestone. >6 month delay to major project milestone. LIKELIHOOD RATING LikelihoodValueRange Very High5 76% - 99% High4 51% - 75% Moderate3 26% - 50% Low2 11% - 25% Very Low1 0% - 10% TIMEFRAME Time to Initiate Handling Strategy Near 0 to 1 Month Mid 1 to 3 Months Far >3 Months SCaN Testbed Risk Scorecard
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