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Reading Specialist Meeting January 2014. Agenda CFA Update and Process for Use Istation Embedding explicit instruction into Shared Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Specialist Meeting January 2014. Agenda CFA Update and Process for Use Istation Embedding explicit instruction into Shared Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Specialist Meeting January 2014

2 Agenda CFA Update and Process for Use Istation Embedding explicit instruction into Shared Reading

3 CFA Update CFA Revision –Will be in place for next year –Two passages per genre unit for 3 rd -5 th grades –Paired pieces –Includes newly release STAAR question stems – RIGOR! –Includes both supporting and readiness standards –Will include open-ended response type questions

4 So…Until then…CFA Use Process Until those are up and ready for use, we need to agree in how we use what is available on your fortshare site. Remember the process put forth during that year of work – Grade level groups worked in with small groups to develop 3 questions per power standard so that there were 3 passages with questions per genre unit Grade level groups were then to review each of the developed CFAs for revision. Once reviewed by whole team, they were sent to me for posting.

5 But are they ready to use?

6 Let’s Explore a Process… We strongly suggest the following process for use with the CFAs on fortshare: 1.First copy the CFA onto your desktop, then print and take the test yourself. Note any repeated questions or any typos that weren’t caught by the team review. 2.Take the test and ask yourself if there are any questions that you would not want the teachers to use at this time. Are any questions confusing…or maybe too easy. Remove bad questions, correct any errors, and reprint for teachers to review. 3.Looking at the released question stems and the TEKS (especially your trouble TEKS that you identified earlier this year), are there one or two open-ended questions that you can add to the assessment? (This can and should be done with the teacher team prior to the unit)

7 A Closer Look at Istation

8 Chalk Talk The Activity –At the signal, take your marker and go to your designated poster. –Silently, and in writing, respond to the words on the poster. –As people write, respond to their writing … ask questions, further their responses, etc. –Continue writing and responding until the stop signal is given.

9 Chalk Talk – Istation Implementation Norms: –All are responsible for writing –All are responsible for reading other people’s comments –All are responsible for responding –No talking

10 Chalk Talk

11 Chalk Talk – Small Group Notice and Wonder In groups of 2 or 3, do a gallery walk. Read through all the postings and search for patterns or themes. What do you notice? What do you wonder about? Be prepared to share.

12 Chalk Talk – Whole Group Share What did you notice? What did you wonder about?

13 Chalk Talk Process Debrief How did this process work for you? How can you use it at your campus?

14 Istation Let’s look at some pictures of Istation Around the Bend …..

15 Station time

16 Intervention group in the computer lab

17 Intervention group in computer lab

18 Library time

19 Intervention with Istation Lessons


21 Istation What are your next steps?

22 Embedding Explicit Instruction into Shared Reading

23 Using Shared Reading to Scaffold Critical Thinking Goal: Working as a table or in smaller groups, work through the process of developing Shared Reading lesson plan that includes: –TEKS and Comprehension focus for Days 1 & 2 –Paired Selection with questions/think alouds for Day 3 –Author’s Craft/Text Evidence for Days 4 & 5 with written response for Day 5

24 Work through process and jot down any suggestions/revisions/questions on Post its. Feel free to use any/all resources, including a trade book. Be prepared to share out!

25 Closing Thoughts Thanks for helping to make the ride worthwhile! Happy Valentine’s Day!

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