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1 Dr. Marchette /carter/chapter14/animations/ ml

2  Key Concepts  Life depends on enzymes and other proteins.  All proteins consist of polypeptide chains.  The chains are sequences of amino acids that corresponds to genes—sequences of nucleotide bases in DNA.  The path leading from genes to proteins has two steps. Transcription and translation.

3  During transcription, the two stands of DNA double helix are unwound in a gene region.  Exposed chains of one strand become the template for assembling a single strand of RNA.  Only one type of RNA transcript encodes the message that gets translated into protein.  It is called messenger RNA (mRNA).

4  In transcription, the first step in protein synthesis, a sequence of nucleotide bases is exposed in a unwound region of a DNA strand.  That sequence is the template upon which a single stand of RNA is assembled from adenine, cytosine, quanine and uracil subunits.

5 5  DNA A-T C-G  RNA A-U C-G /dna_rna_compared.html

6 6  Messenger RNA (mRNA)  Carries protein-building instruction  Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)  Major component of ribosomes  Transfer RNA (tRNA)  Delivers amino acids to ribosomes

7 7 phosphate group sugar (ribose) uracil (base)

8 8 Same two steps produce all proteins: 1) Transcription- DNA is transcribed to form mRNA  Occurs in the nucleus  mRNA moves into cytoplasm

9 9  Like DNA replication  Nucleotides added in 5’ to 3’ direction  Unlike DNA replication  Only small stretch is template  RNA polymerase catalyzes nucleotide addition  Product is a single strand of RNA

10 10  A base sequence in the DNA that signals the start of a gene  For transcription to occur, RNA polymerase must first bind to a promoter

11 11 transcribed DNA winds up again DNA to be transcribed unwinds mRNA transcript RNA polymerase

12 12 growing RNA transcript 5’ 3’ 5’ 3’ direction of transcription

13 13 unit of transcription in a DNA strand exonintron mature mRNA transcript poly-A tail 5’ 3’ snipped out exon intron cap transcription into pre-mRNA 3’5’ cations.html

14 14 DNA RNAG C A T C G T A G C A U C G T A base pairing in DNA replicationbase pairing in transcription

15 _details_v2.html

16 16 codon in mRNA anticodon amino acid OH amino-acid attachment site

17 17 tunnel small ribosomal subunitlarge ribosomal subunitintact ribosome

18  In gene, transcription, a sequence of exposed bases on one of the two strands of the DNA molecule serves as a template for synthesizing a complementary strand of mRNA.  RNA polymerase assemble the RNA from four kinds of ribonucelotides that differ I their bases: A,U,C,G.  Before leaving the nucleus, each new mRNA transcript, or pre-mRNA, undergoes modification into final form.

19  Key Concepts  The nucleotide sequence in DNA is read three bases at a time.  Sixty four base triplets correspond to specific amino acids and represent the genetic code.  The code words have been highly conserved through time.  Only in a few eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and prokaryote derived organelles have slight variation on the code.

20  The correspondence between genes and proteins is encoded in protein-building “words” in mRNA transcripts.  Three nucleotide bases make up each three letter code.

21 21  Set of 64 base triplets  Codons  61 specify amino acids  3 stop translation /carter/chapter14/animations/genetic_co de.html

22  The gentic code is a set of 64 different codons, which are nucleotide bases in mRNA that are “read” in sets of three.  Different codons (base triplets) specify different amino acids.

23  Key Concepts  During translation, amino acids are bonded together in a polypeptide chain in a sequence specified by the base triplets in mRNA.  Transfer RNA delivers amino acids one at a time to the ribosome.  An RNA component of ribosome catalyzes the chain reaction.

24  The codons in mRNA transcript are the words in protein building messages.  Without translators, words that originated from DNA mean nothing: it take the other two classes of RNA to synthesize the proteins.

25 25 2) Translation- mRNA with tRNA and rRNA at a ribosome is translated to form polypeptide chains of amino acids, which fold to form proteins, occurs in cytoplasm

26  Only mRNA carries DNA’s protein building instructions from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.  Transfer RNA (tRNA) deliver amino acids to ribosome.  Their anticodons base pair with codons in the order specified by mRNA.  Polypeptide chains are built on ribosomes, each consisting of a large and a small subunit made of tRNA and proteins.

27  Key Concepts  An mRNA transcript encodes DNA’s information about a protein enters an intact ribosome.  There, its codons are translated into polypeptide chain – a protein primary structure.  Translation of the protein building message proceeds through three continuous stages called: initiation, elongation and termination.

28 28 Initiation Elongation Termination _v2.html


30 30  Initiator tRNA binds to small ribosomal subunit  Small subunit/tRNA complex attaches to mRNA and moves along it to an AUG “start” codon  Large ribosomal subunit joins complex ns/ribosome.html

31 31 binding site for mRNA P (first binding site for tRNA) A (second binding site for tRNA)

32 32  mRNA passes through ribosomal subunits  tRNAs deliver amino acids to the ribosomal binding site in the order specified by the mRNA  Peptide bonds form between the amino acids and the polypeptide chain grows

33 33

34 34  Stop codon into place  No tRNA with anticodon  Release factors bind to the ribosome  mRNA and polypeptide are released new polypeptide chain mRNA /carter/chapter14/animations/protein_sy nthesis.html

35  Translation is initiated when a small ribosomal subunit and an initiator tRNA arrive at a mRNA transcript's start codon, and a large ribosomal subunit binds to them.  tRNA delivers amino acids to a ribosome in the order dictated by the linear sequence of mRNA codons.  A polypeptide chain lengthens as peptide bonds from between amino acids.  Translation ends when a stop codon triggers events that cause the polypeptide chain and the mRNA to detach from the ribosome.

36  Key Concepts  Gene mutations introduce changes in protein structure, protein function, or both.  The changes may lead to small variation in the shared traits that characterize individuals of a population.  When a cell taps its genetic code, it is making proteins with precise structural and functional roles that keep it alive.

37  If a gene changes, the mRNA transcribed from it may change a specify an altered protein.  If the protein has a critical role, the out come will be a dead or abnormal cell.

38 38 Base-Pair Substitutions Insertions Deletions

39 39 original base triplet in a DNA strand During replication, proofreading enzymes make a substitution a base substitution within the triplet (red) original, unmutated sequence a gene mutation possible outcomes: or b.html

40 40  Insertion  Extra base added into gene region  Deletion  Base removed from gene region  Both shift the reading frame  Result in many wrong amino acids

41 41 mRNA parental DNA amino acids altered mRNA DNA with base insertion altered amino- acid sequence arginineglycinetyrosinetryptophanasparagine arginineglycineleucineglutamateleucine ml

42 42  DNA segments that move spontaneously about the genome  When they insert into a gene region, they usually inactivate that gene

43 43  Each gene has a characteristic mutation rate  Average rate for eukaryotes is between 10 -4 and 10 -6 per gene per generation  Only mutations that arise in germ cells can be passed on to next generation

44 44  Ionizing radiation (X rays)  Nonionizing radiation (UV)  Natural and synthetic chemicals

45  A gene mutation is permanent in one or more bases in the nucleotide sequence of DNA.  The most common types are base pair substitution, deletion, and insertion.  Exposure to harmful radiation and chemicals in the environment can cause mutations in DNA.  A protein specified by a mutated gene may be harmful, neutral, or beneficial effect on the individual’s capacity to function in the environment.

46 Fig. 14-12, p.227

47 Fig. 14-14, p.229



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