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Combretaceae (The Almond Family)

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1 Combretaceae (The Almond Family)
Systematic Position Division: Spermatophyta Sub-division: Angiospermae Class: Dicotyledonae Order: Myrtales

2 Distribution Mostly common in Tropical and Sub-tropical region.
It consists of 20 genera and 600 species. In Latin word ‘terminus’ refers to fact that its leaf appears at the very tip of the shoot.So Terminalia.

3 Family Character Vegetative Character. Vegetative. Reproductive.
Habit : Trees ,shrubs and herbs. Roots : Tap root n branched. Stem : Erect,hard ,woody n climber. Leaf : ? Alternate, simple. Opposite Whorled(rarely) ,spiraled Stipulated or non-stipulated. Terminalia Leave

4 Reporductive Character.
Inflorescences: Usually Racemose. Flower: Small Regular 3-8 merous Cyclic. Perianth: Distinct calyx and corolla. Calyx 4-5 sepals,1whorled,free. Imbricate or valvate Persistent. Inflorescence Infolrescecce

5 Corolla: ? 4-5 petals. Polypetalous. Imbricate or valvate. Regular.
1 whorled. Androcium:??? 5-10 stamens. Free,1-2 whorled. Equal length. Anther dorsifixed, versatile. Pollen grain –2 celled. Corolla

6 If capsule indehiscent. Seed:? Non-endospermic.
Gynoecium:???? 2-5 carpels. Syncarpous Inferior ovary. Monolocular. Apical placentation. Fruits:? Drupe ,rarely capsule. If capsule indehiscent. Seed:? Non-endospermic. Inflorescence Flower ovary Fruit

7 Assignment (FB-11). Dt Note down important genera and species belonging to the following Families. AND In brief ,discuss the Economic Importance of each family. Combretaceae Verbenaceae. Salicaceae Poaceae Conifereae Total marks = 5 Due date of submission =

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