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Spectroscopic study of the key rp- process waiting point 58 Zn A.Arcones, P.Boutachkov, I.Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G.

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Presentation on theme: "Spectroscopic study of the key rp- process waiting point 58 Zn A.Arcones, P.Boutachkov, I.Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spectroscopic study of the key rp- process waiting point 58 Zn A.Arcones, P.Boutachkov, I.Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G. Martinez-Pinedo, E. Merchan, S. Pietri, C. Scheidenberger, H.J. Wollersheim GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany D. Galaviz-Redondo CFNUL, Portugal, Lisboa S. Bishop, T. Faestermann, R. Kruecken, A. Parikh Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany J.Jose Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Letter of Intent for AGATA@GSI

2 Scientific Motivation Spectroscopic study of the key rp- process waiting point 58 Zn

3 Scientific Motivation Improve by 2-3 orders of magnitude the uncertainty on the stellar (p,  ) rate of the two wp-nuclei 58Zn A.Parikh et al., The Astroph. Journal 178 (2008)

4 Scientific Motivation Improve by 2-3 orders of magnitude the uncertainty on the stellar (p,  ) rate of the two wp-nuclei 58Zn

5 Scientific Motivation Improve by 2-3 orders of magnitude the uncertainty on the stellar (p,  ) rate of the two wp-nuclei 58Zn A.M. Amthor et al. (2006) PoS Increased 46 Cr(p  ) rate Key nuclei have been identified in the sensitivity study by A.Parikh et al., The Astroph. Journal 178 (2008)

6 Scientific Motivation R.R.C. Clement et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 32 Cl p

7 Scientific Motivation R.R.C. Clement et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) SM-Calculation, J.L.Fisker et al., ADNDT 2001

8 Scientific Motivation 2942 keV 3219 keV Total rate 3166 keV 3624 keV 2677 keV 3820 keV SM-Calculation, J.L.Fisker et al., ADNDT 2001 Rate calculation by A.Parikh (TU-Munich)

9 Scientific Motivation 2942 keV 3219 keV Total rate 3166 keV 3624 keV 2677 keV 3820 keV uncertainty SM-Calculation, J.L.Fisker et al., ADNDT 2001 Rate calculation by A.Parikh (TU-Munich)

10 Scientific Motivation SM-Calculation, J.L.Fisker et al., ADNDT 2001 Rate calculation by A.Parikh (TU-Munich) 2942 keV 3219 keV Total rate 3166 keV 3624 keV 2677 keV 3820 keV uncertainty

11 Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 58Zn SIS-18 Primary beam: 1 GeV/u AGATA S2’ FRS Sec. beams: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn Primary Beam/ppsSec. Frag.I@S4 (pps) 80 Kr 6x10 859 Zn for ( 58 Zn+n)110 5 days of beam time to see the resonance at 3.2 MeV! AGATA S2' in the high-efficiency configuration (d = 8.5 cm)

12 Outlook By measuring the second 1+ state in 58Zn with a resolution of about 10 keV, one can improve by about 2 orders of magnitude the uncertainty on the stellar rate of 57 Cu(p,  ) 58 Zn. The later reaction is one of the key rp-process waiting points, whose uncertainty affects most the study of x-ray bursts and light-curves, as it has been identified in the sensitivity study of Parik et al., 2008. Such measurement relies on sufficiently high beam intensities (GSI-FRS) and on the very high efficiency of the AGATA setup. Similar experiment has been attempted unsuccessfully at GAMASPHERE. There are other candidates, from the sensitivity-sutdy list from A.Parikh, which may be proposed as well.

13 Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 47Mn and 58Zn AGATA S2’FRS Sec. beam: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn (Shell Model) 2+ 1107 keV

14 Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 47Mn and 58Zn AGATA S2’FRS Sec. beam: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn (Shell Model) 2+ 1107 keV 1+ 0+ 2677 keV

15 Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 47Mn and 58Zn AGATA S2’FRS Sec. beam: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn (Shell Model) 2+ 1107 keV 1+ 0+ 2677 keV 0+ 2+ 1381 keV

16 Experiment In-Flight g-ray Spectroscopy of 47Mn and 58Zn AGATA S2’FRS Sec. beam: 100 MeV/u 79 Zn (Shell Model) 2+ 1107 keV 2+ 1532 keV

17 Outlook

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