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Mini-irradiations ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini-irradiations ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini-irradiations ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014

2 Mini-inventory ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014 2 ATLAS12 Inventory 08/07/140 DELIVERYSTD BZ3CSTD BZ3FSLIM BZ3CSLIM BZ3FBZ1BZ3C (UNPASS)EC 10198000 20000000 320510000 400250000 5001530211470 6005624000 TOTAL2111072211470 ATLAS07 Inventory 20/08/14 BZ1BZ2,3,4BZ5BZ6 FZ1 7621 FZ2 107 Total0153210 Sufficient parts to replace all slim edge B’ham irradiations Received 68 FZ1 ATLAS07 from DESY of which 54 are BZ2/3 which has the same pitch as the ATLAS12 barrel mini Received another 17 FZ1 and 23 FZ2 BZ2/3 ATLAS07 minis from Santa Cruz Can expand the program of ATLAS07/12 comparisons if community is interested

3 Barrel Irradiations surface measurements ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014 3 PTP, C int, R int … Each cell has a BZ3C and a BZ3F, both slim and standard edge SourceFluenceTest Site B'ham1.00E+12GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham5.00E+12GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham1.00E+13GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham1.00E+14GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham1.00E+15GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham5.00E+15GlasgowLancasterUCSC Low Beam Current High Beam Current We will irradiated 3 sets to replace the three high beam current fluences for both the BZ3C and BZ3F (9 each) Prague would like to make a comparison between barrel and EC. Already have barrel gamma irradiated. Would need: 6 BZ3C, 6 BZ3F, 6 EC C and 6 EC F for a complete comparison after B’ham irradiation Total for surface (15 BZ3C, 15 BZ3F, 6 EC C, 6 EC F)

4 EC Irradiations (Birmingham) ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014 4 10 types of sensors SourceFluence # done# to doTest Site B'ham5.00E+14164Freiburg B'ham1.00E+15164Freiburg B'ham2.00E+15164Freiburg High Beam Current All of these would have to be re-done for charge collection. Total: 60 EC

5 Barrel Irradiations Charge Collection ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014 5 Charge Collection tests on standard BZ3C SourceFluenceTest Site B'ham5.00E+14LiverpoolSheffieldLjubljana B'ham1.00E+15LiverpoolSheffieldLjubljana B'ham2.00E+15LiverpoolSheffieldKEK B'ham5.00E+15LiverpoolSheffieldKEK Mixed5.00E+14GlasgowDESYValencia Mixed1.00E+15GlasgowDESYValencia Mixed2.00E+15GlasgowDESYLiverpool Mixed5.00E+15GlasgowDESYLiverpool High Beam Current Will replace with slim edge devices (24 BZ3C devices) Have added ATLAS07/12 comparisons since. Believe we need 5 sets for all requests (Cambridge, DESY, Liverpool, Ljubljana, spare (Sheffield??))  At a minimum, we should pair the 5e14 and 1e15 B’ham only and mixed devices (additional 20 A7 and 8 A12 BZ3C)  Extend A07 to 2e15 for both B’ham and mixed (6 A7) Total for B’ham and mixed: 32 BZ3C and 26 A7

6 Potential Additional Program of A07/12 Comparison ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014 6 Compare after 5e14 and 1e15 from CERN PS (6 A07/6 A12) Compare after 1e14, 5e14, 1e15, 2e15 and 5e15 from CYRIC (15 A07/15 A12) Extend to 2e14 and 2e15 for neutrons (6 A07/6 A12)  We know differences at 5e14/1e15 exist DESY has requested 12 A12 to complete program of Lorentz Angle measurements We need to figure out how will measure these parts. I assume:  Japan will do one CYRIC set  Liverpool or Ljubljana will do one of all of them to reduce systematics Total for non-B’ham charge collection and Lorentz angle (27 A07/39 A12)

7 Total Request/ Available Parts BZ3CBZ3FEC CEC FA07 Surface15 66 B’ham CCE3230 26 Non-B’ham CCE3927 Total861536 53 Available11072??? 76 Remaining2457??? 23 ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 21/07/2014 7

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