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It’s always ourselves we find in the sea. a collection of photographs by chloe ashcraft.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s always ourselves we find in the sea. a collection of photographs by chloe ashcraft."— Presentation transcript:

1 it’s always ourselves we find in the sea. a collection of photographs by chloe ashcraft

2 artistic statement. “for whatever we lose (like a you or a me) it's always ourselves we find in the sea.” – e.e. cummings. The ocean. It is where I go to find solace, answers. Waves whisper to me; pillars of piers encourage me to find strength. Sunsets glow with neverending beauty as lifeguard towers stand watch. So it is true: the ocean brings us peace, it brings us back to ourselves. It serves as a reminder that all is not lost.

3 calm copyright © 2007 chloe ashcraft

4 stable copyright © 2007 chloe ashcraft

5 safe copyright © 2007 chloe ashcraft

6 aware copyright © 2007 chloe ashcraft

7 secure copyright © 2007 chloe ashcraft

8 enough. For me, photography is not all about having “deeper meaning.” It is about capturing moments you would otherwise forget. Noticing the seemingly insignificant and ordinary. Being grateful for the small things. Bringing beauty to the world. And I think, if I can accomplish something that phenomenal; if I can put a smile on another’s face; if I can bring someone joy while doing what makes me happy; that will be enough.

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