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 1) Where is Winston (use the Newspeak Word)? (1)  MINILUV.

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2  1) Where is Winston (use the Newspeak Word)? (1)  MINILUV

3  2) What is “the place with no darkness?” Explain why there is no darkness here (2).  MINILUV  TELESCREENS EVERYWHERE, NO NIGHT

4  2) Describe the different behaviour of the Proles and Outer Party in this place. (2)  PARTY ARE AFRAID  PROLES ARE NOT

5  3) Why is Ampleforth here (be specific)? (2)  HE LEFT THE WORD GOD IN A POEM  CONSIDERED A THOUGHT CRIMINAL

6  4) Winston understands the HOW but not the WHY. Why does the party want to keep power forever? (1)  Power for the sake of power

7  5) What is room 101? What does O’Brien do to Winston here? (2)  TORTURE ROOM  RAT CAGE

8  6) What does Winston do to stop O’Brien in room 101? How? (2)  BETRAYS JULIA  SAYS “DO IT TO HER”

9  7) How is Julia now different? (3)  SHE IS “STIFF”  “COLD”  “RIGID”  NO LONGER INTERESTED IN SEX  DOESN’T LOVE WINSTON ANY MORE

10  8) With whom is Oceania at war by the end of Book 3? (1)  EURASIA

11  9) What is Winston looking forward to at the end of the book? Why? (1 point for the “what” and 2 points for the “why”) (3)  DEATH  BC HE IS A THOUGHT CRIMINAL  HE LOVES BIG BROTHER

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