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Part 2: Division of Fractions Balancing Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge Tuesday December 13, 2011 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM) Common.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 2: Division of Fractions Balancing Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge Tuesday December 13, 2011 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM) Common."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 2: Division of Fractions Balancing Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge Tuesday December 13, 2011 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM) Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

2 Learning Intentions Deepen conceptual understanding of division of fractions. Unpack the CCSS standards about division of fractions Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

3 Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we can  Justify our thinking when dividing fractions using reasoning and models.  Clearly explain and provide examples for specific CCSS-M standards Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

4 Components of Complete Understanding of Division Estimate the answer Think about related operations Draw a diagram Write an equation Use a strategy or algorithm Division Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

5 Let’s Check Our Understanding Estimate Greater than 5? Equal to 5? Less than 5? Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

6 Task : Popcorn Party #3 Serving Size: 3/4 cup of popcorn How many servings can be made from: Individually solve each problem using reasoning and models (don’t forget the tape diagram). As a group, take turns and share your reasoning 6 cups of popcorn 2 1/4 cups of popcorn 5 cups of popcorn Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

7 Now It’s Your turn In pairs, solve each problem using reasoning and models (don’t forget the tape diagram). How many ¾ cups servings of popcorn are in 4 ¼ cups of popcorn? A serving is ½ of a cookie. How many servings can I make from 3/8 of a cookie? Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

8 Computational Procedures What procedure do you use to divide fractions? Write an example of it on your slate. Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

9 Two Procedures for Division of Fractions The common denominator method Invert and Multiply Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

10 The Common Denominator Method Have you ever used this? Does it always work? Make up division problems to decide when you can use this algorithm. Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

11 Two Procedures for Division of Fractions The common denominator method Invert and Multiply Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

12 Invert and Multiply Method Have you ever used this? Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

13 Why can we “invert and multiply”? Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year Discuss this question with your shoulder partner. Record your answer on your slate Share your answer with the whole table.

14 Sample student work Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

15 Division of Fraction Standard Examine 6.NS.1 Reread this standard. Do the examples and tasks make more sense to you now? Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

16 Short Readings Homework Grade 3 2 nd narrative p. 21 Grade 4 2 nd narrative p. 27 Grade 5 1 st narrative p. 33 Grade 6 2 nd narrative p. 39 What did you notice? Give some examples of key advances from one grade to the next. Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

17 Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we can  Justify our thinking when dividing fractions using reasoning and models.  Clearly explain and provide examples for specific CCSS-M standards Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

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