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Chapter 6 Toes and Foot. Foot Phalanges Metatarsals Tarsals.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Toes and Foot. Foot Phalanges Metatarsals Tarsals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Toes and Foot

2 Foot Phalanges Metatarsals Tarsals

3 Digits 1 st Digit 2 phalanges ________ Proximal 2-5 3 phalanges Distal Middle _________

4 Joints of the Digits 1 st digit _____________ 2-5 _____________ Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP)

5 Metatarsals 1-5 Head Body Base ________________

6 Metatarsal Joints Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) Tarsometatarsal (TM)

7 Tarsals Cuboid Calcaneus (Os Calcis) Cuneiforms Medial Intermediate Lateral Navicular Talus

8 Arches Longitudinal ________ Lateral Transverse ____________

9 Foot Motions Dorsiflexion Plantar Flexion Inversion Eversion

10 Imaging the Toes AP Foot Oblique affected toe Lateral affected toe 50-60kV 40” SID

11 AP Foot Plantar surface on IR _____________tube angle Perpendicular to metatarsals (may need more or less angle) CR to base of ____________ Collimate to the skin

12 Oblique Toe 45˚ oblique Medial for __________ Lateral for __________ CR to ______ Collimate to affected toe

13 Lateral Toe Rotate foot to lateral ____________for 1-3 rd digit _____________for 4-5 th digit Remove superimposition of unaffected toes CR to: ____ for the 1 st ____ for 2-5 Collimate to toe

14 Imaging the Foot AP Internal Oblique External Oblique Lateral 60-65 kV

15 AP Foot Plantar surface on IR __________tube angle Perpendicular to metatarsals (may need more or less angle) CR to base of _____________ Collimate to the skin

16 Internal Oblique Rotate internally so plantar surface is ___________ CR to the base of the 3 rd metatarsal Collimate to the skin

17 Lateral Foot Externally rotate till lateral ____________ Plantar surface _______ CR to ____________ Collimate to skin

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