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Rivalry in North America.  England, France, Spain and the Netherlands were competing for fur trade and colonies throughout the world  North America.

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Presentation on theme: "Rivalry in North America.  England, France, Spain and the Netherlands were competing for fur trade and colonies throughout the world  North America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rivalry in North America

2  England, France, Spain and the Netherlands were competing for fur trade and colonies throughout the world  North America became caught up in the contest

3  Late 1600’s, England had two rivals in North America; Spain and France  Spanish threat lied in the West Indies and between Florida and Georgia. Spanish also had settlements in present day New Mexico, Texas and Arizona

4  France claimed a vast area of North America  France claimed land west of the Saint Lawrence River all the way to the Great Lakes and south to the Gulf of Mexico  The French built a system of forts to protect their land

5  1740’s traders from New York and Pennsylvania were crossing the Appalachian Mountains in search of fur  They attempted to take over the profitable French fur trade with the Indians

6  The Ohio River was valuable to the French because it provided access to their lands in Canada and the Mississippi River  1751- French orders were sent to drive any foreigners away from the Ohio River

7  Native Americans did not want to give up their land in the Ohio River Valley to any European settlers  Some Natives decided that the only way to protect their lands was to take sides in the struggle

8  Both France and England tried to make Indian allies because they controlled the fur trade in North America  Most French in North America were trappers and traders not farmers so they expected the Natives to side with them because they did not destroy hunting grounds to clear land for farming

9  Many French trappers married Native American women and adopted their ways  Most English settlers were farmers and ignored Indians rights to land when they cleared it for farming  Most English did not respect Native customs and ways of life

10  Both France and England found allies among Native Americans  French gained the support of the Algonquin's and Huron's  English gained the support of the powerful Iroquois, who were old enemies of the Algonquin's

11  William Johnson, an English settler who married Molly Brant sister of Joseph Brant, a Mohawk chief. The Iroquois respected Johnson and listened when he urged them to side with the English  Some Natives supported the English because they charged lower prices for trade goods then the French

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