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Candidate Support. Working Agreements Attend cohort meetings you have agreed upon. Start and end on time; come on time and stay for the whole time. Contribute.

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Presentation on theme: "Candidate Support. Working Agreements Attend cohort meetings you have agreed upon. Start and end on time; come on time and stay for the whole time. Contribute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Candidate Support

2 Working Agreements Attend cohort meetings you have agreed upon. Start and end on time; come on time and stay for the whole time. Contribute and share; participate, not dominate Come prepared by completing any prior work and bring all necessary materials and resources. Respect each other’s opinions and ideas. Practice active listening skills. Turn off cell phones Have fun!

3 Overarching Goals 1.Analyze and reflect on classroom instructional practices within the context of NBPTS Standards. 2.Collaborate with colleagues in a learning community with an integrated focus on student learning. 3.Develop specific learning outcomes and adapt teaching practices to meet the needs of individual students. 4.Become a National Board Certified Teachers

4 Agenda Review the Five Core Propositions Planning Your Featured Lesson (Text) Resources – Setting Goals – Instruction and Assessment – Analysis and Reflection – Multi-Lesson Sequence Plan Work on the Work

5 The Five Core Propositions Teachers are committed to students and their learning Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience Teachers are members of learning communities Reflection Post-it note Write down an example of how you demonstrate the core proposition in practice (different one from last meeting) Post your responses

6 Architecture of Accomplished Teachers

7 Planning Your Featured Lesson Review the reading mark three ideas that you see as essential to a successful featured lesson. Whip Around Share – Location of information (pg. number and location on the page) – Read or summarize – Why it is essential?

8 Exercises for Lesson Planning and Review Setting Goals (7-1) – What to consider – what do I want students to learn? What is the present learning level of the students with regard to the goal? How do you know? What should students know and be able to do after the lesson? Are your goals specific enough? Are they worthwhile? – What to consider – why do I want students to learning this? How do the selected goals relate to school, district or state expectations? How the relate to overarching goals? How are they related to scope and sequence? How are they related to student background experience, learning styles and prior knowledge? – What to consider – how will you assess if the students met the goal? Will you observe students applying skills? Project? Portfolio? Test? Survey? What are the student work samples that will demonstrate their learning? Do you have more than one way to determine if students met the learning goals?

9 Challenges to Clearly Defined Goals Lack of Visibility: Goals are NOT stated in the written commentary Lack of Focus: – Fuzzy goals that are hard to assess (e.g. students will appreciate…) – Too many goals resulting in lack of alignment Inappropriate: – Not a goal but an instructional strategy or an assessment – Not a high/worthwhile goal

10 What’s the Problem? Kindergarten: Develop phonemic awareness through association of letters and sounds. Practice fine motor coordination, write name legibly. Grade 3: Plan, count, organize and display 1000 items, present and explain the method of organization Social Studies: Students will understand that history can be interpreted from different perspectives. Geometry: Students can describe the attributes of isosceles, scalene and equilateral triangles.

11 Instruction and Assessment “What evidence will you need to determine student learning?” What to consider – Instructional Strategies – Have you chosen strategies and activities that are especially appropriate for your students’ learning needs and interests? Will you use more than one strategy to appeal to different learning styles? Have you scaffold the learning experience? What to consider – WHY selected? – How/why are the selected strategies effective in helping students learn? How have the characteristics of your students and the nature of the task influenced your selection? What to consider – Customized Assistance – Will you need to provide additional or different strategies in order to meet the learning needs of certain students? Are there resources including technology to assist these students? Describe how you will meet the needs of specific individuals. What to consider – Ongoing Assessment of Student Learning – Will your formative assessments provide feedback to students toward their progress to their goals during the course of instruction? Will there be opportunities for students to assess themselves? How will you know if your teaching impacted students attainment of goals.

12 Alignment of the Instructional Sequence Assessment: Describe what you know about these students at this time, in this setting that will impact your planning and instruction. Goal: Determine what students should know and be able to do as a result of the planned learning experience, Instructional Strategies: Plan activities that help students meet the learning goals. Use assessments that inform instruction. Assessment: Determine whether the goal was met and if so to what degree, for individual students as well as the whole group. New Goal: Based on the analysis of student responses, determine the new goal you will set for these students at this time, in this new place.

13 Analysis and Reflection Exercise 7.3 Use the language from the prompt in your response as appropriate.

14 Planning the Multi-Lesson Sequence Entries that require student work samples require the candidate to describe an instructional sequence over time. Plan needs to scaffold learning toward the selected goal. (7.4) Must describe WHAT you do AND WHY and HOW you do it NOTE: It is critical that you design a lesson to fit the entry requirements rather than try to fit the requirements to your lesson.

15 What’s Next Preparation Calendar For November Meeting – Reading Assignment (Handout) – Bring a hard copy OR Google document writing sample from any of the entries to the meeting.

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