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The Family & the Home Lesson 5: Why Marriages Fail.

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1 The Family & the Home Lesson 5: Why Marriages Fail

2 Divorce in America



5 Marriage Failure (review) Marriages fail for the same basic reason that…  Individual Christians fail (1 Tim. 1:19)  Local churches fail (Rev. 2-3)  Worldly people fail (2 Thess. 1:8)  Failure is due to a lack of obedience to God and his word!

6 Marriage Failure Why do marriages fail? What are the warning signs and signals?  An lack of service to Christ (Jas. 1:26); marriages where one or both are not faithful Christians; leave God out (Psa. 127:1; Mt. 7:24ff)  A lack of proper communication (1 Pet. 3:7)

7 Marriage Failure  Immature, lacking character: irresponsible, immoral, bad habits, discontent, lazy, ungrateful, petty, too dependent, spiteful, unforgiving, selfish, quick temper, pride, etc. (Gen. 2:24)  Failure to make a real commitment (Mt. 19:6)  Disagreement over how the children are to be raised or what is allowed in the home (Eph. 6:1-4)

8 Marriage Failure  Wrong associations (1 Cor. 15:33)  A roving eye and a wandering foot (Prov. 2:16ff; 5:3ff; 7:5ff; 9:13ff; Job 31:1ff; Mt. 5:27ff)  Drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, and other addictions (Gal. 5:19-21)  Absent from home; middle-aged “fling” (Prov. 27:8)

9 Marriage Failure  Physical and psychological abuse (Mk. 7:21ff; Rom. 1:29ff; Gal. 5:19ff; Col. 3:5ff)

10 Marriage Failure Why can we do to prevent marriage failure?  Make a list of the things we doing wrong  Humbly confess our sins/faults to our mate  Make steps to repent and change  Give and receive loving forgiveness  Determine to always live by God’s word

11 Review Questions 1. What is the basic reason why marriages fail? 2. What are some factors that lead to marriage failure? 3. What can we do to prevent marriage failure?

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