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Family life cycle model. Family life cycle Intra urban population movement occurs within the city and may involve shifts of population during the family.

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Presentation on theme: "Family life cycle model. Family life cycle Intra urban population movement occurs within the city and may involve shifts of population during the family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family life cycle model

2 Family life cycle Intra urban population movement occurs within the city and may involve shifts of population during the family life cycle. People move around different zones of the city depending on their age and need for a house of a certain size. P290 fig 11.8 course companion


4 Task Suggest why processes of population movement are likely to vary between cities. In other words… why do some cities see centripetal movement, and others see centrifugal movement? Use any examples you know to backup your points.

5 Is there a link between natural increase in the population size, and the number of urban areas? Firstly, discuss what factors might influence a country to have a high (or low) natural increase in its population size. Then consider what indicators you could use to exemplify this. Finally, try to find a graphic that shows the link between natural increase and urban populations.

6 0 yrs90 yrs How does the human life cycle affect our residential choices? What stages can a person’s life be broken up into? How does their family situation change? Does this affect where / when they choose to move?

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