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Farmhouse in Iowa By Sarah Haney, Patrick Ham, and Francis Convery.

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Presentation on theme: "Farmhouse in Iowa By Sarah Haney, Patrick Ham, and Francis Convery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farmhouse in Iowa By Sarah Haney, Patrick Ham, and Francis Convery

2 Why in Iowa? Famous for growing crops Crops = Biomass Fuel Eat and sell crops Potential sustainable way of living

3 Biomass Biological material derived from living or recently living organisms Taken from renewable resources Plant based material (can come from animals) Biomass helps the atmosphere by recycling carbon already in the air EX: Cellulosic Ethanol (can come from corn)


5 Materials/ Structure: Fly Ash Bricks Used to replace clay bricks Made from coal residue $$ (Less expensive than clay bricks) PROS: Recycled, stronger, cheaper, and less permeable. CONS: Potential soil leaching, and possibly contaminate large ecosystems with toxins

6 Heating/Cooling: Straw Bale Insulation Used to regulate temperature according to season Replaces fiberglass and spray insulation Made from waste $$ (cheap depending on location) PROS: Recycled, Not a fire hazard, and easy to construct CONS: Cannot be placed in moisture and possibly transportation costs

7 Water: Rain Barrels Acts as a private well Place a drum underneath a drain spout Not a replacement $ (Little to no cost) PROS: No pollution, cheap, and reuses wasted run off CONS: Needs rain, and is not a main reliable source

8 Waste: Composter A small bin that makes fertilizer replaces store bought fertilizer $ (Little to no cost) PROS: reduces trash, cheap, and useful CONS: space, takes a long time to decompose, and possible odor.

9 Electricity: Photovoltaic Cells Absorbs sunlight through solar panels to produce energy Replaces gas generators $$$$$ (Installation is $18,000 to $45,000) PROS: pollution free, little maintenance, and easy installation (if it is residential) CONS: Expensive installation, location and does not supply direct heating

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