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Hinduism Chapter 4 Section 2. Key Terms Hinduism Reincarnation Karma Moksha Dharma Yoga Jainism ahimsa.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism Chapter 4 Section 2. Key Terms Hinduism Reincarnation Karma Moksha Dharma Yoga Jainism ahimsa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism Chapter 4 Section 2

2 Key Terms Hinduism Reincarnation Karma Moksha Dharma Yoga Jainism ahimsa

3 Basic Teachings of Hinduism Practiced by most people in India Has no founder Practices vary Few fundamental teachings are shared by all

4 Basic Teachings of Hinduism Brahman- the eternal being that created and preserves the world Don’t believe humans are capable of understanding Atman- shapes your personality Cannot be destroyed

5 Basic Teachings of Hinduism Rebirth and Salvation Reincarnation-atman is released and reborn into another Karma-the sum affects of your deeds Moksha –escape from rebirth cycle Dharma-spititual duties and obligations

6 Sacred Text and Practices Vedas- sacred hymns of praise, earliest text Written by Brahman 3000 years old Upanishads – revealed to people not written

7 Sacred Texts and Practices Ramayana Relationship between Rama- deva Vishnu in human form Sita his wife Model for Hindu couples on devotion Willingness to obey their dharma

8 Sacred Texts and Practices Mahabharata-war between two families Want to control Ganges River Valley Teachers about Dharma Proper behavior for, rulers, warriors and others

9 Sacred Texts and Practices Bhagavad Git- most sacred text Dialogue between warrior Arjuna and Krishna Vishnu in human form Aspects of Hindu life and philosophy

10 Hindu Religious Practices Worship can take place anywhere Priests or other spiritual leaders read Vedas Image of Deva carried At home people offer Food Drink gifts

11 Hindu Religious Practices Yoga- physical and mental exercises Focus on body and mind Aid mediation attain moksha Take a pilgrimage Ganges River Flows from feet of Vishnu

12 Jainism 500 BC Offshoot of Hinduism Mahavira- leader No rituals Achieve moksha by giving up worldly things Ahisma-idea on nonviolence

13 Jainism Every creature has a soul Wear masks not to breath in insects Sweep insects aside Give up possessions and become monks Careers not to harm animals

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