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All about Mammals By Tracie Claybrook Sample presentation to be made by students.

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Presentation on theme: "All about Mammals By Tracie Claybrook Sample presentation to be made by students."— Presentation transcript:

1 All about Mammals By Tracie Claybrook Sample presentation to be made by students.

2 Mammals are warm blooded.

3 Mammals have glands that give milk. This is how they feed their babies.

4 Mammals have fur or hair.

5 Mammals have unique brains and are often very intelligent. Humans are the most intelligent. Other intelligent mammals include the dolphin, the elephant, the chimpanzee, and the pig.

6 Mammals live in all sorts of environments.

7 Reference for lesson & student research mammals.php mals/zX6d6165767b617e5b075273.h tm

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