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Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis1 Week 1 Introduction to the Module The Research process.

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1 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis1 Week 1 Introduction to the Module The Research process

2 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis2 Module convenor: Dr. Mario Mazzocchi ( Room 310 – Extension 6484 Office hours: Tue 2-4; Thu 11-1 When and where: Tuesday 11-1 Room AG 1L06 Web page: Mailing list

3 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis3 Web page

4 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis4 Intended outcome Have a first grasp of the market basic research techniques Become familiar with data analysis software such as SPSS or Excel Understand the (market) research process Acquire skills necessary to the group projects

5 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis5 Outline content The research design The survey plan and survey methods The Questionnaire and field work Sampling techniques Database management and preliminary data mining with SPSS Descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing Analysis of Variance Correlation and regression Research report preparation and presentation

6 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis6 Course plan

7 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis7 Textbooks There is no official textbook. These recent books can be especially helpful: Fowler Jr., F.J (2002). Survey Research Methods, 3 rd Edition. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications. Survey basics – Sampling basics – Short and introductory Churchill, G.A., Iacobucci, D. (2002). Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations. Harcourt College Publishers Complete manual – many examples Malhotra, N.K. (1999) Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 3rd Edition. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice Hall. Complete manual – very good for methodological reference

8 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis8 Module assessment Individual written assignment (70%), answering to a specific research question, structured as a research report and covering the following: Methodology Results Discussion Executive summary Examination (30%) - One one hour examination paper (multiple choice test)

9 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis9 Coursework assignment The research question will be given on week 4 and will consist: –Of a marketing research problem –Of a data-set to be analysed through one of the techniques discussed in the course The Lab sessions of 4 November and 2 December will be based on such data-set The short research report (max 1,200 words + graphs / tables) should be delivered by the end of week 10

10 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis10 Lab Sessions Session 1 – 4 November –Excel & SPSS –Basic descriptive statistics –Graphs & tables Session 2 – 2 December –SPSS –Hypothesis testing –Analysis of Variance –Correlation & Regression

11 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis11 Exploratory vs. conclusive research Exploratory research Insights and understanding of the research problem Loose definition of information needed Flexible (unstructured) research process Small and nonrepresentative samples QUALITATIVE analysis of primary data Preliminary to further research Conclusive research Test specific hypothesis and examine relationships Clear definition of informational need Formal and structured research process Representative and large samples QUANTITATIVE data analysis Conclusive results for decision making

12 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis12 Primary vs Secondary data Primary data: Data originated by a researcher for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at hand Secondary data: Data collected for some purpose other than the problem at hand

13 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis13 A comparison of primary and secondary data Source: Malhotra, 1999

14 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis14 Qualitative research methods Qualitative research is a form of exploratory research which –Provides an understanding of the problem and its underlying factors Is unstructured and flexible Based on small samples

15 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis15 Against… QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Results cannot be uses as conclusive Results cannot be generalised to any population QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH “Then thousand times nothing is still nothing”

16 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis16 Situations where Qualitative R. is useful Impossible to use quantitative research (e.g. Developing Countries) People unable/unwilling to answer questions Need for “emotional” or “affective” information

17 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis17 The research process (with primary data) 1.Formulate a research problem 2.Determine the research design 3.Design data-collection method and forms 4.Design sample and collect data 5.Analyse and interpret the data 6.Prepare the research report

18 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis18 An example of research process A lecturer doesn’t know the starting level of IT and statistical knowledge of its student and would like some extra information for better calibrating the module. Also, he would like to elicit students’ preferences about the mid- lecture break

19 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis19 1. The research problem Objectives –Determine the general level of IT knowledge of the class –Determine the level of statistical knowledge –Determine the percentage of students that have used Excel or SPSS at least once –Determine students’ preferences about the mid-lecture break

20 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis20 2. Determine the research design Exploratory research Conclusive research –Informational need –Sample –Data collection –Analysis (averages, percentages) –Report

21 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis21 3. Design data-collection method and forms Primary data collection Questionnaire submitted in class before the break

22 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis22 The questionnaire

23 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis23 4. Design sample and collect data According to the student office, there should be 44 students in this class There are 35 Students The sample is made by all students here today –Possible selection bias Are characteristics of missing student related to IT/Statistical knowledge, preferences about the break? Please fill the questionnaire…

24 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis24 5. Analyse and interpret the Data Data tabulation Summarised statistics Correlations allows to show the link between knowing statistics and having used SPSS… or the link between knowing statistics and wanting no lecture at all.

25 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis25 Results On average you spend 2h 21min hours a day on a personal computer (standard error 2h 47min) 100% of you know at least one of the statistical terms of the questionnaire 77% know 3 or more of those terms 100% have used excel 2.8% have used SPSS The favoured option (74% of students) was “Lectures should start at 11 and end at 12.40, with a ten minutes break”

26 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis26 6. The research report Finally, a research report is provided. Results are summarised and conclusions are drawn. E.g. Student showed a good knowledge of IT tools, but SPSS needs to be explained from the foundations. Lectures should start at 11 and end at 12.40, with a ten minutes break The demand about “having heard of statistical terms” was not appropriate to infer the knowledge of statistics (as it emerged from preliminary qualitative research)

27 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis27 Some research problems related to food marketing Packaging of a food product (e.g. plastic or glass bottle for milk) - Product Communication to be given to consumers (e.g. beef after BSE scare) - Promotion Pricing for organic food - Price Development of on-line retailing… - Place

28 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis28 Preparing a Research Proposal The Research Problem Purpose of the research project Data sources and methodology Time, personnel and costs

29 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis29 The Research Problem It is crucial to give a clear definition It is useful to identify its specific components How to define the problem –Discussion with the decision maker (final user) –Interview with experts in the topic –Secondary analysis –Qualitative research (e.g. Focus Groups)

30 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis30 Objectives : the research questions They are detailed statements of the specific components of the problem Research questions depend on: –Problem definition –Theoretical framework –Analytical model adopted For conclusive research, it is very helpful to reach a further detail and formulate hypotheses, i.e. unproven statements about a factor or a phenomenon of interest

31 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis31 Data sources Explore available secondary data sources Primary data collection –Exploratory research –Qualitative research –Survey plan 1.Identification of the reference population 2.Definition of the research questions 3.Choice of sampling criteria 4.Definition of the estimation methodology for making inference on the surveyed parameters 5.Choice of sample size 6.Choice of the data-collection method (method of administration) 7.Questionnaire design 8.Costs evaluation

32 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis32 Methodology of analysis Data preparation & coding Cleaning and consistency checks Select a data analysis strategy –Statistical techniques Univariate techniques Multivariate techniques

33 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis33 Univariate techniques

34 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis34 Multivariate techniques Cross-tabulation Correlation Analysis of variance Multiple regression Discriminant analysis Conjoint analysis Factor analysis Cluster analysis Multidimensional scaling

35 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis35 Time, personnel and costs Provide time estimates for each phase of the research Specify personnel required and their rates of pay Calculate nonpersonnel cost (such as printing, mailing) Travels

36 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis36 The Research Report –Title page –Table of contents –Executive summary –Introduction –Results –Conclusion –Recommendations –4. Introduction –5. Body –Methodology –Results –Limitations –6. Conclusions and recommendations –7. Appendix –Questionnaire –Sampling methodology and definition –Other tables not in the report –Bibliography Completeness Accuracy Clarity

37 Dr. Mario MazzocchiResearch Methods & Data Analysis37 The SPSS package Tutorials will provide a basic understanding of the software functioning An SPSS example will be given for most of the topics covered in this course. You are expected to be able: –To repeat the exercise –To understand the SPSS output for each topic

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