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The Evidence – Pt 1 “Body of Facts”.

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1 The Evidence – Pt 1 “Body of Facts”








9 BY.FAITH.MOSES_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 58-0720M …don't look at what you see; - The available body of facts (the Theophany) becomes obtainable when the Holy Spirit merges with the fleshman, enabling Revelation to work through the human spirit to make proper contact. When we make the proper contact (or connection) it enables us to look at one-another with the eyes of understanding. - The human spirit by itself will only produce a mental deception (or a philosophy) based on intellectual conceptions/outcomes, thus making the body of facts unavailable. When the human spirit becomes one with the Mind of God and comes under the operation of the Holy Spirit it enables it to make a proper connection, thus making the body of facts available for contact.

10 BY.FAITH.MOSES_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 58-0720M …don't look at what you see; choose what you see by faith. - The available body of facts is made visible when you choose to see by Revelation, otherwise the unseen remains hidden. (Continued) That's the only thing that will count, is what you choose by faith.



13 ~Louie R Villamor~ “I think always that there is no dirty box of sin around you, arise and shine and Feel a Real Clean Life FREE from the contamination of sin. You are covered by the Word that said, “Go, Sin No More”, Expressed wide open your Clean and Holy Life and influence others by it. That’s one of the Greater works we should do in this day that all is white clean in the sight of The Great I Am. There is No Sin today in your way, My Beloved “Thou Art Fair and Lovely”

14 ~Louie R Villamor~ “Everything is very good in my sight; my eyes see no spot or wrinkle”. What a Statement isn’t it? And how can we do that? Just remove all unclean things or your unclean look to everyone and make them clean in your sight. By changing our thinking and looking through the eyes of fire we can do it, no doubt. Where everything is being purged and cleaned. “Changing - is to walk into Perfection”. That is what Eternity and all its wisdom is all about to us, as a People after the church Ages. We are Eternal People to behold. I don't see anything except Perfection and Perfection alone, I know we are perfect and I know that we’re both need to continue to change, and for changing is perfection. It's the Eye of Mind, Heart and Soul of Christ, and that is what matter most. “WHAT WE THINK IS WHAT WE SEE AND OUR DEED BASE TO IT” - Lrv

15 ~Donald Parnell~ There is a "Spiritual Ring" that you can step into and all things in there become punctual and necessary. Nothing is out of order. There is no servile effort inside of it, but there is a kinetic flow of energy. Inside that ring is a flow of life that illuminates the present word walking. I don't know how to put words to it but I see it working in us. The ones who step into that place do so by "Divine Love". It is a "Quantum Leap" from human (fileo) love to "Divine (agape) love. – Dkp

16 ~Kelvin Eric Koffie~ Divine love is the key. AMEN. ~William Branham~ And brother, when love goes out, God goes with it, for God is love. And you can never get anywhere without Divine love. And as you love one another, you love God. ~William Branham~ "Nothing to defile its holiness shall enter there." That's what He said. "All has passed away, forever."




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