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+ Introduction to Ratios Essential Questions: -How are fractions and ratios similar or different? -What is the difference between a part to part ratio.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Introduction to Ratios Essential Questions: -How are fractions and ratios similar or different? -What is the difference between a part to part ratio."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Introduction to Ratios Essential Questions: -How are fractions and ratios similar or different? -What is the difference between a part to part ratio and part to whole ratio? -How can we use ratios to make predictions?

2 + Warm-up #1 1. What is the value for the shaded part of the fraction bars? 2. What are the possible ways of expressing the model? 1. Given the values 5 and 7, discuss how these values are represented by the sports balls in the picture

3 + Ratios Notes (ISN p. 92) Types of Ratios (3 types) 1. Part to Part Comparing one part to another part 2. Part to Whole (fraction) Comparing one part compared to the whole 3. Whole to Part Comparing the whole to one part Writing Ratios (3 ways) 1. Using the word “to” 2. Colon: 3. Bar or

4 + Skittles / M&M’s Activity (p. 93) Each group will get a pack of Skittles Practice writing ratios using all 3 methods. Practice using ratio language by explaining the type of relationship represented in those ratios. How many red Skittles do you have? How many yellow Skittles do you have? Can we compare red Skittles to yellow Skittles by writing a fraction? Answer: No, because the denominator of a fraction represents a whole. Red to Yellow Skittles is a part-to-part relationship, but in order to write a fraction we need a whole-to-part relationship

5 + Name that Ratio For each slide, write a sentence to describe a ratio relationship between the quantities Write the ratio using math symbols (make sure you write it as simple as you can!) Identify the type of ratio

6 1. Stars to moons

7 2. Puppies to kittens

8 3. Clownfish to starfish

9 4. Yellow cars to red cars

10 5. Sneakers to basketballs

11 6. Pizzas to delivery people

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