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Competency Goal 7 EOC Review. ___________ This movement sought to reform labor conditions, urban slums, and government and business practices. Progressive.

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Presentation on theme: "Competency Goal 7 EOC Review. ___________ This movement sought to reform labor conditions, urban slums, and government and business practices. Progressive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competency Goal 7 EOC Review

2 ___________ This movement sought to reform labor conditions, urban slums, and government and business practices. Progressive

3 _________ established the assembly line, $5 a day, and workers as consumers Henry Ford

4 ________ Journalists who exposed corruption in business/labor, government & urban slums—most effective way to reform. Muckrakers

5 _________ Muckraker who exposed corruption in the oil industry. Wrote “The History of the Standard Oil Company” Ida Tarbell

6 __________ muckraker who exposed the urban slums; wrote “How the Other Half Lives” Jacob Riis

7 _______ exposed government corruption; “The Shame of the Cities” Lincoln Steffens

8 ________ exposed the conditions of the meat packing industry; “The Jungle” Upton Sinclair

9 _______ fought for anti-lynching laws Ida B. Wells

10 ________ sought civil service reform by setting up a commission which appointed jobs based on merit. Pendleton Civil Service Act

11 ______ term which describes a group who controls politics in a city; known for corruption Political machine

12 __________ an example of a political machine Boss Tweed

13 List the 3 Progressive Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson

14 ______ Progressive President who passed the Pure Food & Drug Act in response to Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle.” Theodore Roosevelt

15 ____________ Progressive President who busted the most trusts, but was disliked by the Progressives because of the Payne Aldrich Tariff William Howard Taft

16 ___________ Progressive President responsible for the passage of the Clayton Anti-Trust Act and Federal Reserve Act Woodrow Wilson

17 _____ This act strengthened the Sherman Anti-trust Act Clayton Anti Trust Act

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