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Mission Planning Process Changes Gary Rowe Mission Planning Team Lead Teledyne Brown Engineering Presented to: Increment 3 POIWG June 13, 2001 Mission.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission Planning Process Changes Gary Rowe Mission Planning Team Lead Teledyne Brown Engineering Presented to: Increment 3 POIWG June 13, 2001 Mission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission Planning Process Changes Gary Rowe Mission Planning Team Lead Teledyne Brown Engineering Presented to: Increment 3 POIWG June 13, 2001 Mission Planning

2 June 13, 2001 2 Current Planning Process Template (WLP Development) MCC-M begins WLP input IEPT conference 1400 GMT (1700 DMT) MCC-M specialists approve final WLP Moscow receives integrated prelim 2400 GMT (0300 DMT) IEPT conference 1400 GMT (1700 DMT) Prelim WLP systems/payloads inputs sent to MCC-H 1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) If needed Final WLP inputs sent to MCC-H 1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) MCC-M receives final WLP and reviews with specialists MCC-H begins initial WLP systems input IEPT Conference 1400 GMT (0800 CST) MCC-H reviews with FCT and approves final WLP Uplinks WLP to crew for review Sends STP planned template to MCC-M and POIC by 0000 GMT IEPT conference 1400 GMT (0800 CST) MCC-H receives inputs 1500 GMT (09:00 CST) Begins integration MCC-H integrates prelim, sends back via Drop Box 2400 GMT (1800 CST) MCC-H receives inputs 1500GMT (09:00 CST) creates integrated final, sends back out via Drop Box 2400 GMT (1800 CST) MCC-H reviews final WLP with FCT POIC begins WLP payload input IEPT conference 1400 GMT (0800 CST) POIC reviews and approves final WLP IEPT conference 1400 GMT (0800 CST) POIC receives inputs 1500 GMT (0900 CST) begins integration Prelim WLP payload inputs sent to MCC-H 2300 GMT (1700 CST) POIC receives prelim 2400 GMT (1800 CST) POIC reviews integrated prelim If needed POIC receives inputs 1500 GMT POIC provides Final WLP payload inputs to MCC-H 1800 GMT (1200 CST) POIC reviews final WLP with FCT N –14N -13N -12N -11N -10N -09N -08 MCC-H MCC-M POIC Monday TuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday

3 Mission Planning June 13, 2001 3 Current Planning Process Template (STP/OSTP Development) Generates STP inputs for E 1, sends to MCC-H ~1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) IEPT conference MCC-M generates STP inputs for E 7, send to MCC-H ~1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) Generates Form 24 for Day2 IEPT conference MCC-M generates STP inputs for E 4, sends to MCC-H ~1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) IEPT conference MCC-M generates STP inputs for E 2, sends to MCC-H ~1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) IEPT conference MCC-M generates STP inputs for E 3, sends to MCC-H ~1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) IEPT conference MCC-M generates STP inputs for E 5 and sends to MCC-H 1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) PL are discussed for E6 & E7 IEPT conference MCC-M generates STP inputs for E 6, send to MCC-H ~1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) Generates Form 24 for Day1 IEPT conference MCC-H receives inputs 1500 GMT (09:00 CST) Creates prelim integrated STP for E 1 and provides to MCC-M via drop box by 2400 CST Sends template for E2 IEPT conference MCC-H receives ~1500 GMT (09:00 CST) and integrates. Creates prelim integrated STP for E 7 and provides to MCC-M via drop box 2400 CST. Finalizes E 6 Sends template for E1 Generates OSTP for E 2. IEPT conference MCC-H receives inputs 1500 GMT (09:00 CST) Creates prelim integrated STP for E 4 and provides to MCC-M via drop box by 2400 CST. Finalizes E 3. Sends template for E5 IEPT conference MCC-H receives inputs 1500 GMT (09:00 CST) Creates prelim integrated STP for E 2 and provides to MCC-M via drop box by 2400 CST. Finalizes E 1. Sends template for E3 IEPT conference MCC-H receives inputs 1500 GMT (09:00 CST) Creates prelim integrated STP for E 3 and provides to MCC-M via drop box by 2400 CST. Finalizes E 2. Reviews WLP with crew Sends template for E4 IEPT conference MCC-H receives 1500 GMT (09:00 CST) Creates prelim integrated STP for E 5 and provides to MCC-M via drop box 2400 CST. Finalizes E 4. Sends template for E6 IEPT conference MCC-H receives ~1500 GMT (09:00 CST) Creates prelim integrated STP for E 6 and provides to MCC-M via drop box 2400 CST. Finalizes Day5. Sends template for E7 Generates OSTP for E 1 IEPT conference POIC generates payloads STP for E 1, sends to MCC-H 2300 GMT (1700 CST) IEPT conference POIC receives STP IEPT conference POIC generates payloads STP for E 4, sends to MCC-H 2300 GMT (1700 CST) IEPT conference POIC generates payloads STP for E 2, sends to MCC-H 2300 GMT (1700 CST) IEPT conference POIC generates payloads STP for E 3, sends to MCC-H 2300 GMT (1700 CST) IEPT conference POIC generates payloads STP for E 5, E 6, and E 7 sends to MCC-H 2300 GMT (1700 CST) IEPT conference POIC receives STP IEPT conference N -07N -06N -05N -04N -03N -02N -01 MCC-H MCC-M POIC B Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday AAA A B After MCC-H finalizes the STP, the STP will be made available (~1800 CST/~0900 DMT) for MCC-M and POIC for further team review The OSTP will be reviewed with the crew. If no comments are made, the “prelim” version will remain on board and will become the final. If the crew has comments, a “final” OSTP will be generated. C MCC-H will initially staff planners on week-ends to receive STPs until process is solidified. The goal for MCC-H will be to eliminate the planning staff on week-ends AA C DD D POIC staffing on Sat/Sun will be limited to one person, who will primarily support generation of the OSTP and edits to the onboard plan. MCC-M generates STP inputs for E 1 of next planning cycle, sends to MCC-H ~1500 GMT (18:00 DMT) IEPT conference MCC-H receives ~1500 GMT (09:00 CST) and integrates. Creates prelim STP for E 1 and provides to MCC-M via drop box. Finalizes E 7, sends to drop box IEPT conference E 1 Monday

4 Mission Planning June 13, 2001 4 Key Milestones in the Current Planning Process The following defines the key milestones in the Current Planning Process: –The Final Integrated On-orbit Operations Summary (OOS) is the starting point for the Weekly Look-ahead Plan (WLP). Prior to N-14 the Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) coordinates PD desires and priorities for the WLP being worked. –At N-14, the LIS coordinates PD desires and priorities for the WLP with the Payload Planning Manager (PPM). If necessary, the PPM coordinates directly with the PD to clarify Payload activity requirements. –As Payload issues arise during the WLP development, the PPM works those issues directly with the LIS and PDs as required. –At N-10, the LIS provides the PDs a list of Payload Activities and the Final WLP. –At N-09, the Crew is provided the WLP for review and comment. –At N-08, the Flight Control Team (FCT) formally approves the Final WLP. From this point on, an OCR will be required to make a change in the plan. –At N-06, the Preliminary STP is posted for execution day N. –At N-04, the FCT performs a detailed review of the STP for execution day N. –At N-02, the FCT finalizes the STP and builds the OSTP for execution day N. –At N-02, the OSTP for execution day N is uplinked to the Crew. –At N-1, the FCT builds and uplinks the Execute Package for execution day N.

5 Mission Planning June 13, 2001 5 Current Planning Philosophy & Groundrules The following direction was provided by the Flight Director’s Office for Increment-2 operations, and should be considered the baseline for Increment-3 until further direction is provided: –No changes to the plan beyond Execution-2 days unless required for crew safety or vehicle safety/recovery. –All changes to the plan should be submitted by Execution-4 days to the Ops Planning team. –Changes to procedures or references beyond Execution-2 days are acceptable but undesirable, especially after the crew has reviewed the procedure. –Re-uplink of the OSTP beyond Execution-2 days will only be done for changes that fall in the safety/vehicle recovery categories.

6 Mission Planning June 13, 2001 6 Current Planning Products The Weekly Look-ahead Plan (WLP) and Short Term Plan (STP) will be available on the MCC-H Homepage and the POIC RICO Real Time Information Web Site. The STPs are also being posted in PIMS. –The WLP is a one week plan that defines what activities are planned to occur on each day of a particular week. –The STP is a one day detailed schedule of the activities planned for that day. The STP data is reformatted for the Crew into the Onboard Short Term Plan (OSTP). (See the WLP and STP examples on the following pages) Onboard planning products will be based on the following: –Only complex, time critical, and items that need to be completed on the particular day will be shown on the Onboard Short Term Plan (OSTP): Time critical activities will be shown with a Blue outline Sequence dependent activities, but not time critical, will be shown with a Cyan background Activities that can be performed whenever the crew has time will be shown with a White background – All other activities will be included on the Task List –The Crew views the OSTP with the OSTP Viewer (OSTPV) (See the OSTPV example on the following pages)







13 Mission Planning June 13, 2001 13 Current Task List Concept The task list will consist of activities not scheduled for that day, but which can be performed if time allows or if there are deletions or delays in a day’s activities. –The task list will be prioritized by due date, which is mainly driven by the Increment Priority list (defined in a ISS CHIT). –Task list items will eventually be scheduled, but there should be no duplication between the OSTP and the OSTP task list. –Task list (or get ahead activities) will be included in a future WLP. If the task is completed prior to the normal planning cycle, the task will be removed from the plan. –If the task is completed after the preliminary OSTP review (N-2 days), the task will remain on the OSTP and the crew will be informed to use the time for other activities, during the morning daily planning conference (DPC). (See the OSTPV Task List Example on the following page)


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