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Principles and Environmental Applications of Stable Isotopes Principles and Environmental Applications of Stable Isotopes The whirlwind tour Elizabeth.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles and Environmental Applications of Stable Isotopes Principles and Environmental Applications of Stable Isotopes The whirlwind tour Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles and Environmental Applications of Stable Isotopes Principles and Environmental Applications of Stable Isotopes The whirlwind tour Elizabeth Sulzman Oregon State University, Dept. Crop & Soil Sci

2 Part 1: the basics

3 The difference among isotopes Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons Same chemistry, but different physics  e.g., Heavy molecules form stronger bonds, diffuse more slowly, evaporate last...

4 What makes a stable isotope useful for environmental studies?  Low Atomic Mass (measurable separation)  Large mass difference: 100%, 8.3%, & 12.5% for D/H, 13 C/ 12 C, 18 O/ 16 O, respectively  Large diff. in natural abundance Preparation system Inlet system Collector system

5 Delta notation and why standards are used  Absolute abundances are VERY low !! R standard : 2 H: 1 H = 0.00015576 13 C: 12 C = 0.0112372 15 N: 14 N = 0.0036765 18 O: 16 O VSMOW= 0.0020052 the  value for all standards is 0 !

6 Typical range of  13 C values So if atmospheric CO 2 is the base of the food chain, why is this pool so much less variable than, and sometimes different from, the other pools?

7 What is fractionation? When do you observe it?  Separation of isotopes in the environment  Observe when reactions do not go to completion (open system) or with precise techniques (closed system) Mazor 1991 Slope: f(RH, T)

8 Temperature Dependence of Fractionation Factors

9 Part 2: APPLICATIONS of Isotopes in Ecology & Environmental Sciences  Isotopes record biological responses to Earth’s changing environmental condition  Isotopes trace the origin and movement of key elements and substances  Isotopes indicate the presence and magnitude of key processes  Isotopes integrate ecological processes in space and time

10 Some examples  Paleoclimate reconstruction (e.g., Ice enriched in 18 O= warm and wet)  Food web studies (What do the wolves eat?; What did paleo-humans eat?)  Food purity (Does the beer have corn in it? Is the orange juice from concentrate?)  Environmental quality / human health: What is the source of nitrate in our ground water?

11 Examples in biogeochemistry  Plant C  Soil C  Ecosystem respiration (terrestrial contribution to the global C budget)

12 History of plant isotope studies  Nier and Gulbransen (1939) discovered plant samples exhibit lower 13 C/ 12 C than background air  Extensive “surveys” of plant material through 1940s and 1950s (e.g., Craig 1953)  First model postulating leaf fractionation must occur (Park and Epstein 1960)  All this inquiry carried out by geochemists and geologists – ecologists/plant physiologists didn’t pick this back up until the 1980s! (O’Leary, Vogel, Farquhar)

13 More recent history  Farquhar (1982) showed that the C isotope ratio of an individual plant was correlated with its intercellular [CO 2 ]  it was concluded that this could be used in selective breeding for a high C acquisition efficiency and low water use (i.e., WUE)

14 Basis for 13 C variations in plants  irreversible steps in the metabolic process, where not all of the substrate is consumed  metabolic branch points  opportunities where diffusion is a fundamental step in the process  secondary fractionation events associated with common pools There are …

15 C 3 photosynthetic pathway O’Leary 1988 transport dissolution fixation

16 C 4 photosynthetic pathway O’Leary 1988 fixation transport 2º fixation doesn’t fractionate

17 Cerling et al (1997) C 3 and C 4 plants differ in their carbon isotope ratios

18 C 3 /C 4 distribution a link to past climate, important for models of C sinks  C 4 evolved under low CO 2, is more moisture conservative Ehleringer et al. (1997)

19 Vegetation shifts as a “natural” tracer experiment Balesdent and Mariotti, 1996

20 Change in  SOM over time: conversion to C 4 Balesdent et al. 1987

21 Calculation of turnover times from “natural” tracer experiments One of many formulations:  f = (1-X)  i + X  n where i is initial soil, f is final soil, n is new vegetation, and X is the proportion of C coming from the new vegetation Wedin et al. 1995

22 Isotopic data suggest soils are not homogeneous Townsend et al. 1995

23 Soil and leaf contribution to the atmospheric  13 C Ehleringer et al. 2000 As scale of observation increases, system becomes more heterogeneous and increasingly difficult to characterize isotopically The terrestrial end-member is not a single pool!

24 Isotopic disequilibrium 1.Plant  SOM:   13 C of SOM at any point in time does not necessarily match  13 C of current biomass, especially with land use/land cover changes 2.Now  10-100 years ago:  As SOM decomposes, it releases some CO 2 that was fixed at a time when atmospheric isotopic composition was different (heavier) than it is today

25 More complications  Differences as great as 10‰ in  13 C of tissues near forest floor and those at the top of a forest canopy  The proportion of C 3 and C 4 vegetation can change seasonally in some places  We know these are diff w. respect to 13 C; Gillon and Yakir (2001) showed discrimination against 18 O also radically different for C 3 vs. C 4

26 CO 2 “The Solution” A Keeling plot Keeling (1958)  13 C (‰) 1/[CO 2 ] (mol  mol -1 )  13 C R carbon isotope ratio of respired CO 2 background forest air C meas = C background + C respired  meas C meas =  background C background +  respired C respired  meas = (slope)*(1/C meas ) +  respired  13 C R or  R

27 Keeling-derived  13 C R values reflect real processes Rochette and Flanagan 1997

28 Pataki et al. (2003) 13 C of ecosystem respiration responds to drought across biomes

29 Effect of vapor pressure deficit on the  13 C of ecosystem respiration Bowling et al. 2002 more closed more open stomata humid dry

30 Cautions…  Keeling plots often require extrapolation of the intercept far from the actual measurements  Small errors in measurement of either isotopic composition or concentration can yield large errors  Hard to account for potential CO 2 recycling (tho modified equations exists – and they don’t agree!)

31 What if you are wrong??  A difference of 3‰ in the calculated  e leads to a 20% overestimate of the terrestrial sink strength!! (Buchmann and Kaplan 2001) Ciais et al. 2000

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