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Teams and Initial Objectives. Welcome to VEX Over the next 4 -5 weeks you will design and build a robot to accomplish a series of challenges. You will.

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Presentation on theme: "Teams and Initial Objectives. Welcome to VEX Over the next 4 -5 weeks you will design and build a robot to accomplish a series of challenges. You will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teams and Initial Objectives

2 Welcome to VEX Over the next 4 -5 weeks you will design and build a robot to accomplish a series of challenges. You will work in teams of 4 or 5 for the duration of the VEX unit. All team members will have an equal share in designing, building reporting and evaluating your robots. Your team must keep and submit a daily log of each group member’s contribution to each design challenge.

3 Prepare for VEX Before we begin working with the robots you will need to lay the groundwork for your team, especially seeing as you will be together for the next month. Your task for today: 1)Create a team name 2)Create a team logo, mascot and slogan (school appropriate) 3)Develop/write a backstory for your team (Where are you from? Why are you interested in robotics?) 4)Answer the research questions.

4 VEX Research Questions 1)What was the first useful/practical robot? 2)Where was it designed and by whom? 3)List 5 current uses for robotics and the technology they replaced. 4)What is meant by the term artificial intelligence? 5)Explain why a robot such as the ones you will build are not considered to be an AI even if they are pre-programmed and function without the remote.

5 VEX Design Problem 1 Design, construct and test a remote controlled vex robot that will be able to compete against another robot in game of soccer. It will be able to control the ball while travelling and delivering it into a net. Soccer: Spring 2010Spring 2010

6 VEX Soccer

7 Specifications Your robot must -use the basic platform deign -be controlled remotely -have a ball control device that does not prevent another robot from taking it away -have a push switch on the back and front bumper.

8 Materials  Basic structure made from the Vex Kit  You may use metal, wood or plastic in addition to the material in the Vex Kit. You may bring it in from home if Mr. LeBlanc does not have it.

9 Assessment  You will complete a design brief and be assessed using the standard design rubric.  Your ideas section of the design rubric may be omitted as you we to be the robot to spec  Standard evaluation questions and life cycle analysis must be completed.  DUE MONDAY November 8 2010

10 Design Rubric 54321 Problem Problem given as stated by teacher Problem given, but not as given. No problem stated Research Extensive research completed. All information is relevant for solution to problem Research was complete. All information is relevant for solution to problem. Research was complete. Some information not relevant to solution to problem. Research completed, but done so with minimal effort. No research completed. Design Final product is shown and rationale explained in a neat and organized fashion. Final product is shown. Rationale not explained. Final product is shown, but presented in an organized fashion. Final product was presented, but minimal effort was shown. No final design was presented. Result Final product exceeds all requirements. Final product meets expectations and accomplishes all required tasks. Final product does not complete required task(s). Evaluation All evaluation questions are answered with supported material. All evaluation questions are answer, but same without supporting material. Missing one of the evaluation questions. Missing more than one of the evaluation questions. No evaluation questions were submitted. Life-Cycle Plan Life-Cycle plan completed and all materials return to the manufacturing system. Life-Cycle plan completed, but some materials gone to grave. Life-Cycle plan not completed. Conduct Worked safely in lab, stayed on task at all times and work area was clean. Worked safely in lab, stayed on task, but work area not clean. Worked safely in lab, but not on task all of the time. Was asked more than once to stay on task or clean up work area. Conduct in lab was inappropriate.

11 VEX Teams Team 1: Braydon, Daina, Tristan, Lewis, Halee, Yassin Team 2: Mike B, Cam, Kirstie, Jenna, Alex Team 3: Abdullah, Collin E, Thomas, Yousef, Amer Team 4: Zach, Brandon, Domonik, Henoch, Josh Team 5: Dio, Eric, Colin D, Mitchell, Mike M Team 6: Scott, TJ, Dan, Matt T, Sam T, Sam S A 7 th team will be made once the replacement parts arrive.

12 Evaluation Questions 1.Did you solve the technological problem? How? 2.List 2 positive design features and 2 negative design features about your solution. 3.What engineering principle(s) or concepts did you learn from this technological challenge? 4.List differences between your original idea (working drawing) and your final solution? 5.What improvements or innovations would you make on your design to make it more reliable or successful?

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