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Genetic Engineering. By the end of today’s lesson you should... Understand the nature of ‘Genetic Engineering’. Know the advantages and disadvantages.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Engineering. By the end of today’s lesson you should... Understand the nature of ‘Genetic Engineering’. Know the advantages and disadvantages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Engineering

2 By the end of today’s lesson you should... Understand the nature of ‘Genetic Engineering’. Know the advantages and disadvantages of ‘Genetic Engineering’. Be able to explain why some Christians accept ‘Genetic Engineering’ and why some do not.

3 To be successful in today’s lesson you must... Take an enthusiastic approach to each task during the lesson. Gather the information asked for by your ‘character’ and share this information with your group Coach your group to develop an understanding of ‘Genetic Engineering’

4 Starter: Quiz, quiz, trade Stand up, hand up, pair up Partner ‘A’ quizzes Partner ‘B’ answers Partner ‘A’ coaches or praises Swap roles Trade cards and put your hand up


6 Gary Lineker – opinion man Roberto Martinez – the factician Alan Pardew – Yes Man Jose Mourinho – No man You are looking for all the positive information about genetic engineering e.g. Why do some people / Christians think it is a good idea. You are looking for all the negative information about genetic engineering e.g. Why do some people / Christians think it is not a good idea. You are looking for all the facts about genetic engineering e.g. What is it, who invented it, how does it work. You are going to offer your own opinion. You have to use some of the information to to support what you think. Use evidence / examples.

7 Could lead to cures for usually incurable diseases Using ‘cybrids’ does not involve the loss of human life Genetic research is monitored closely by the law Food for starving people Jesus was a healer – GE heals people Bible says nothing about it Situation ethics – most loving thing Follows golden rule Church supports it if it doesn’t harm human life No information on the long term consequences Effects are irreversible Gives too much power to scientists Devalues human life Humans should not interfere with God’s will – playing God It is wrong to try and make the Earth perfect – only heaven perfect Life belongs to God – sanctity of life Destroying embryos is murder ‘ do not kill’ Been around for thousands of years – animal breeding 1970 saw beginning of cures and modified food 2008 became legal to test on human- animal embryos 1996 – scientists created first cloned animal. Dolly the sheep Scientists can only use embryos for 14 days I think genetic engineering is a good / bad thing because… Examples / Evidence

8 Coaching You should now share your knowledge with the rest of the group Give them 3-4 pieces of information Keep it short and clear

9 d) ‘Christians should not use genetic engineering’ You will be told whether you have to argue in favour or against You must then apply the knowledge you have gained by giving 3 reasons to support your argument Put each reason in a separate box 1.2.3. Agree

10 Peer Assessment Have they offered 3 reasons? Does it contain a religious reason? Is the answer detailed? Is the Spelling / Punctuation / Grammar all correct?

11 Coaching You must now write 3 reasons on your partners work These reasons should disagree with their original arguments i.e. If they agreed, you must give reasons that disagree

12 By the end of today’s lesson you should... Understand the nature of ‘Genetic Engineering’. Know the advantages and disadvantages of ‘Genetic Engineering’. Be able to explain why some Christians accept ‘Genetic Engineering’ and why some do not.

13 Self Assessment Highlight which character best represents your understanding of the lesson objectives above:

14 Exit Ticket Write down at least 2 things you have learned during the lesson

15 By the end of today’s lesson you should... Understand the nature of ‘Genetic Engineering’. Know the advantages and disadvantages of ‘Genetic Engineering’. Be able to explain why some Christians accept ‘Genetic Engineering’ and why some do not.

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