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What is a paradigm???? Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Paradigms through history Hegemonic Paradigm Paradigm Shifts Anomalies Counter-Hegemonic.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a paradigm???? Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Paradigms through history Hegemonic Paradigm Paradigm Shifts Anomalies Counter-Hegemonic."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a paradigm???? Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Paradigms through history Hegemonic Paradigm Paradigm Shifts Anomalies Counter-Hegemonic Paradigms

2 Adopting a paradigm A set of assumptions governing how we interact and interpret the world Paradigms are a lot like religion, people do not change them often, if ever Changing values or beliefs is emotionally and psychologically painful Automatically reject alternative paradigms Avoiding anomie

3 Paradigms and the structure of the Universe Geo-centrism: The hegemonic paradigm –Earth’s position is fixed –Earth as center of the universe Galileo and the Counter-hegemonic paradigm: Helio-centrism –Earth and all objects in our solar system revolve around the sun –Pope has a talk with Galileo




7 Helio-centrism: Counter-hegemonic paradigm


9 Paradigmatic Approaches to International Relations Realism (Power Paradigm) Idealism (Pluralism) Globalism (Marxist/Radical Paradigm) Indigenous (“Fourth World”) Reductionism Evil, Good, Money, Land

10 Why Governments/States? State of Nature Social Contract Thomas Hobbes “Leviathan” Nasty, Brutish, Short Strong Central Authority Absolute Power (Walking god on Earth) John Locke: Two Treaties on Government Public Goods/Limited Government





15 Future World Orders Borrow from science fiction writers H.G. Wells/Moon travel George Orwell/1984/Statespeak Use of computer modeling/forecasts First developed by Prof. Richard Falk –From the book “Future World Orders” Political Risk Analysis as Sub-field

16 Future World Orders of the Paradigms Realism/Pessimistic –Life Boat Ethics –Thomas Malthus –Game Theory –Negative Sum Idealism/Optimistic –Learning Curve/Positive Sum –Faith in Technology Marxism/Globalism World wide social revolution Indigenous –Destruction of States/Patchikuti

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