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Introduction to Forest Stand Dynamics. Stand Dynamics the study of changes in forest stand structure with time, including stand behaviour during and after.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Forest Stand Dynamics. Stand Dynamics the study of changes in forest stand structure with time, including stand behaviour during and after."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Forest Stand Dynamics

2 Stand Dynamics the study of changes in forest stand structure with time, including stand behaviour during and after disturbances

3 Seminar The word seminar is derived from the Latin word seminarium, meaning "seed plot". It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate

4 Jan. 5 MondayIntroduction to Stand Dynamics Jan. 8 ThursdayPlant interactions and limitations to growth Jan. 12 MondayPlant interactions and limitations to growth Jan. 15 ThursdayTree architecture and growth Jan. 19 MondayTree architecture and growth Jan. 22 ThursdayDisturbances Jan. 26 MondayOverview of stand development patterns Jan. 29 ThursdayReadings I Feb. 2 MondayTemporal and spatial patterns of tree invasion

5 Feb. 5 ThursdayStand initiation stage (presentations) Feb. 9 MondayHOLIDAY (Family Day) Feb. 12 Thursday(presentations) Feb. 16 MondayWINTER BREAK Feb. 19 ThursdayWINTER BREAK Feb. 23 Monday(presentations) Feb. 26 ThursdayStem Exclusion stage Mar. 2 MondayStem Exclusion stage Mar. 5 ThursdayReadings II Mar. 9 MondayStem Exclusion Stage

6 Mar. 12 ThursdayUnderstory reinitiation Mar. 16 MondayOld growth Mar. 19 ThursdayMulti cohort Mar. 23 MondayMulti cohort Mar. 26 ThursdayTrip to Stanley Park Mar. 30 MondayStand Models Apr. 2 Thursday Stand Models Apr. 6Monday HOLIDAY (Easter Monday) Apr. 10 ThursdayLandscapes and Summary

7 Webpage

8 Introduction to Forest Stand Dynamics









17 Systems Thinking What is a system? Why systems? Systems - complexes of elements standing in interaction (von Bertalanffy, 1968)

18 Types of Systems Closed –Isolated from their enviromnemt –Lab experiments: everything is stable and controlled Open –Influx and outflow of energy –Every living organism Complex –Combination of open and closed systems

19 Complex Adaptive Systems They are adaptive; in that the individual and collective behaviour mutate and self- organize corresponding to the change- initiating micro-event or collection of events.

20 Open Systems More applicable to biological sciences Forests, ecosystems, trees = open systems Influx and outflow of nutrients, light, matter

21 Rules of Systems Entropy or Evolution theory? –Contradiction –Entropy is positive in closed systems –Entropy may be balanced off by system production in open systems

22 History of Evolutionary Thinking 1850s – most 20 th century: systems come to a stable end –Darwin: nature → humans –Marx: economy → communism –Clements: ecosystem → climax 1910-present: –Gleason: community variation and importance of chance events –Holling: stages and adaptive cycles

23 What is a “paradigm”? In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn describes a paradigm as: a set of beliefs, theories, or a world view that is unquestioningly accepted and has become established as "truth."



26 Stand Dynamics Forest stand dynamics – the study of changes in forest stand structure with time, including stand behavior during and after disturbance Stand – spatially continuous group of trees and associated vegetation having similar structures and growing under similar soil and climatic conditions

27 Stand Dynamics Studying stages of development (cycles) in an open system Studying patterns of stand development –Characteristics of emergent properties (e.g. species dominance) –Connectedness of system elements (e.g. mixed-species stands) –Speed of transition (disturbance and/or site quality)

28 Focussing on patterns opened door to transfer of experience and knowledge from one geographic area to another Systems approach

29 The Stand? Forest Types Stands Sub-stands Strips or clumps Groups Individuals –James Toumey, Foundations of Silviculture, 1928

30 Toumey (cont’d) These divisions are drawn from more or less artificial bases and are of temporary importance

31 Stand Dynamics Among Disciplines Oliver and Larson, 1996

32 Why do patterns keep appearing? The big picture

33 Floralistic Regions

34 Continental Drift The Canadian Encyclopedia © 2012 Historica-Dominion Extinction event

35 Prevailing Winds

36 Ocean Currents

37 Although stand dynamics needs to have a systems rather than a reductionist approach, the patterns of development make most intuitive sense when individual trees are considered in the simplest of terms

38 Chaos theory Pattern bigger than the process Mandelbrot set Fractals

39 Mandelbrot set example X (n+1) =( X n ) (2+k)

40 K = -0.1

41 k = -1.1

42 k = -1.3

43 k = -1.9

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