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Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Local and National Observer Qualifications.

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Presentation on theme: "Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Local and National Observer Qualifications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Local and National Observer Qualifications

2 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Two new qualifications ‘Local Observer’ = Observer ‘National Observer’ = Senior Observer.

3 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists National Observer’s qualification has commenced Local Observer’s expected to start in 2014.

4 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Why are the qualifications changing? According to IAM: Consistent standard across the country Recognised awarding body (IMI) Qualified volunteers Credibility to outside organisations.

5 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists What’s the difference? Local Observers: Tested against a set of competencies More formal assessment - units and elements Includes riding assessment and test of observer skills Tested by a national observer from another group.

6 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists What’s the difference? National Observers: Some additional competencies Higher standard of riding Assessment by staff examiner.

7 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Documentation 44 page assessment document Looks complex - but most of it is what you do already ‘Multiple’ assessment of competencies.

8 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists What does this mean for me? Local Observers: If you are due for re-qualification soon - will be done as normal by your own senior observer Anything beyond early 2014(?) will be under the new system.

9 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists What does this mean for me? National Observers: Qualification under the new system has already started However - big waiting list for tests.

10 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists What do I need to do about it? Awareness of competencies Knowledge of HC and HTBABR Awareness of ‘Full Control’ document Maintaining riding standards.

11 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Where can I find out more? IAM Website - search for IMI Observer Qualification Documents: Competencies Marking sheet / standards Observers ‘best practice’ ‘Full Control’ document.

12 Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Any Questions?

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