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Water Budgets and Sustainability: Starting with Stratigraphy Cailin Huyck Orr School of the Environment Washington State University Systems, Society, Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Budgets and Sustainability: Starting with Stratigraphy Cailin Huyck Orr School of the Environment Washington State University Systems, Society, Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Budgets and Sustainability: Starting with Stratigraphy Cailin Huyck Orr School of the Environment Washington State University Systems, Society, Sustainability & Geosciences: InTegrate workshop July 25, 2012


3 Fig.: California Dept. Water Resources

4 Palouse

5 Columbia River Flood Basalts Lyn Topinka USGS CVO 2002

6 Palouse Falls Bill Spence Lewiston Tribume

7 Fig. Groundwater Atlas of the US Idaho, Oregon, Washington HA 730-H Ancient water X X X X

8 Pullman, WA Washington State Univ. Moscow, ID Univ. of Idaho Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee website Cross section of the Moscow – Pullman area Compiled by John H. Bush and Dean L. Garwood 2005

9 Grande Ronde Aquifer well levels 1938 – 2008 at WSU Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee annual report 2007

10 Annual reports on water pumping Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee annual report 2007

11 Participatory Modeling of Groundwater – Allyson Beall Waters of the West University of Idaho


13 Fig: USGS after Allen and Burns 1986 Atwater 1986

14 Fig. National Groundwater Association 2007

15 Northfield Tipping et al. 2006 Sedimentary Geology Shallow: Shakopee aquifer Deeper: Jordan aquifer

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