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The War in Afghanistan Analyze the Causes and Effects.

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Presentation on theme: "The War in Afghanistan Analyze the Causes and Effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War in Afghanistan Analyze the Causes and Effects

2 Afghanistan What is this land like? 1. What do you notice about Afghanistan’s location?

3 Basics Population = 32 million Size = Texas Language = Afghan Persian –70 different languages Ethnicity = Mixed Pastun 50% Associate with Tribes Literacy Rate = 36% Land = Mountain and Desert Landlocked 2. How do you think the land of Afghanistan affects the people living there?

4 3. How would you describe the terrain of Afghanistan?

5 Afghan History Diverse Nation Conquered in past by: –Persians, Romans, Ottomans, British Won Independence from Great Britain in 1919 1978 Civil War 4. Who controlled Afghanistan in the past?

6 Afghan History 1979 Soviet Invasion  Beat USSR in 89’ w/ USA aid 1989 – 1996 – Civil War  Taliban wins Taliban “seekers of knowledge” govt. in power –Harsh & repressive government –Radical Muslims –Drug Trade (Heroin)  Famine Extreme Poverty 5. Who are the Taliban?

7 USSR vs. Afghanistan 1979 - 1989 6. Who helped the Afghans beat the USSR?


9 Soviets in Afghanistan 1988

10 Thanks USA 7. Why would the United States consider giving weapons to Afghanistan?


12 Soviets leaving Afghanistan 1989

13 Taliban Takes Charge of Country 8. What does this picture make you think?

14 9. How did the Taliban treat the citizens?

15 10. What does this picture mean to you?

16 Opium – poppy plants 11. Why are poppy plants important to the Taliban?


18 September 11, 2001 How does this relate to Afghanistan?

19 The War in Afghanistan Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan September 11, 2001 The Attackers and their Motivation Planning of the Attacks The Hijackers Osama bin Laden & Khalid Sheikh Mohammed US-led Coalition Response Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan Effects of the War in Afghanistan



22 13. What do your parents remember about this day?

23 14. How was the US forever changed due to 9/11?

24 14. What places were attacked on 9/11?

25 15. Ask your parents, “What has changed since 9/11”?

26 Questions Page 16.Which attack alarmed you the most? 17.Why?

27 Al-Qaeda Claims responsibility for attack on USA Taliban lets Al- Qaeda hide out in their county because they are allies. 18. Why does Al- Qaeda take responsibility?

28 Al-Qaeda Alliance with Taliban 1996 Osama bin Laden moves from Sudan to Afghanistan Leader of Al-Qaeda 19. Who was Osama Bin Laden?

29 20. What does the color red represent on this map?

30 21. What is the US doing in this picture?

31 9/11 Men who Hijacked planes 22. What is one word that comes to your mind when looking at this picture?

32 23. How has airport security changed?

33 24. What is this flyer celebrating?

34 According to Bin Laden, he is concerned with American foreign policy towards, and American actions in, the Muslim world US support for Israel in its ongoing theft of Arab land US support for corrupt and repressive regimes in the Muslim world (Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states). Post 9/11, the US has added to an already long list of Muslim grievances by occupying Afghanistan and Iraq. Why did these people want to attack America?

35 25. According to Bin Laden, why was America attacked?

36 According to Bin Laden, he has never said that the attacks were, are, or will be because of American freedoms, the rights of our citizens, or even because of our religious differences. He has said that the reasons for the attacks of the past as well as those of the future will be because of the way the US and its allies treat the Muslim World. Why did these people want to attack America?

37 The 9/11 Commission Report determined that the animosity towards the United States felt by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the "principal architect" of the 9/11 attacks, stemmed "not from his experiences there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel". [9/11 Commission Report [

38 Osama bin Laden

39 Where’s Osama? 26. Where was Osama found?

40 How did the United States respond? Tells Taliban to: –deliver Al-Qaeda leaders to USA –release all US citizens in jails –protect foreigners in Afghanistan –Close terrorist facilities 27. What does the US ask the Taliban to do? 28. Does the Taliban accept?

41 29. What does this comic mean?

42 30. Do you feel an attack on a country that harbors terrorists is justifiable?

43 Operation Enduring Freedom Invade Afghanistan (Oct. 7, 2001) Mission: –1) Capture Osama bin Laden –2) Destroy Al-Qaeda network –3) Remove Taliban Regime 31. What were the 3 goals of Operation Enduring Freedom?

44 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization “committed to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective (joint) security.” Have given forces to War in Afghanistan (49 countries – now 37)

45 Americans in Helmand Province 2007

46 Afghan Man Friend or Foe?


48 Taliban “Thanks Iran!”







55 Questions Do you feel the USA and Congress made the right decision to attack the Taliban in 2001? Question: Why do you think the US, with the most powerful military in the world, and its allies, have not been able to totally subdue the Taliban?

56 Is it another Vietnam? Long dragged out conflicts with no end in sight. Can’t tell whose an friend or foe. Not popular at home. Not popular with other governments or their people. Not winning the hearts and minds of the people. Fighting primitive people with nothing to lose

57 What are the problems? Friend or Foe? Suicide Bombers IED- Improvised Explosive Devices Taliban Aid from Iran Taliban Aid from Russia Drug Trade Flourishes (92% of World’s Heroin) Famine Never known democracy Extreme Islamic Groups Mountains and Terrain Border crossing Inadequate amount of US troops Untrained Afghani Troops Legitimate Government? Civilian Casualties +3,000 Deaths

58 Successful or Unsuccessful? New Government in Afghanistan –Unstable however Taliban no longer in control –Yet have re-emerged (quadrupled in size) in SE Afghanistan & now parts of Pakistan –NATO losing control in region Osama bin Laden took years to be found


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