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RP Software Collaboration Meeting 7 Mars 2007 Hubert Niewiadomski TOTEM, CERN Brunel University.

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Presentation on theme: "RP Software Collaboration Meeting 7 Mars 2007 Hubert Niewiadomski TOTEM, CERN Brunel University."— Presentation transcript:

1 RP Software Collaboration Meeting 7 Mars 2007 Hubert Niewiadomski TOTEM, CERN Brunel University

2 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC Proton beam transport parameterization  Package first release ready  Functionality: (x, theta_x, y, theta_y, ksi) s_1 -> (x, theta_x, y, theta_y, ksi) s_2 aperture losses  Input (xml configuration file): Input kinematic range to be parameterized, start & end s-position MADX optics configuration file Aperture names and dimensions Degree of precision of parameterization File names  Output Root file with parameterization objects Root file with approximation error histograms  Model generation Generation of training and testing data in a given range with MADX Finding and fitting of the model Testing the model by comparison to MADX simulated tracks (apertures and kinematics compared)  Special running mode to determine the important apertures for proton losses

3 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC Proton beam transport parameterization  Tests with 90 m optics Model errors as compared to MADX, s: 0->220 m :  x =0.5·10 -9 m,  y =36 ·10 -9 m,  theta_x = 5.3 ·10 -11 rad,  theta_y = 3.3 ·10 -10 rad apertures losses differences ~0.6% (2 apertures included) Parameterization already used for 90 m extrapolation studies  Still can be speeded up, 100 times faster compared to MADX, but of course slower than simple analytical model  RP SW in CMSSW 1_0_6 Geant4 related RP simulation software transferred to CMSSW (stations and RP geometry, Geant4 simulation packages) Use of G4FastSimulation – originally intended for shower parameterization Beam pipe outgoing from CMS global volume registered as an area for user defined physics process Registration of parameterization as a process in a physics list of Geant4/CMSSW CMS primary vertex smearing now affects the proton The influence of 147 m station on 220 m station can be studied (multiple scattering, losses)  To be done: CMSSW configuration files to work with external data source Primary vertex and momentum treatment in CMSSW – Jan Kaspar Beam energy smearing, crossing angle, beam divergence, correct Lorenz transformations – nothing like that so far in CMS Tests of parameterized proton transport in comparison to HEPTOR Include RP digitization, clusterization and reconstruction in CMSSW Include raw data input for the test beams in 2007 Common T1, T2, RP studies, trigger issues

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