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Another typical LHC day. 06:15 Fill 2000 dumped 08:44 Stable beams – fill 2001  1.675e14  1.21e11  ~2 microns normalized emittance 11:34 Beams dump.

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Presentation on theme: "Another typical LHC day. 06:15 Fill 2000 dumped 08:44 Stable beams – fill 2001  1.675e14  1.21e11  ~2 microns normalized emittance 11:34 Beams dump."— Presentation transcript:

1 Another typical LHC day

2 06:15 Fill 2000 dumped 08:44 Stable beams – fill 2001  1.675e14  1.21e11  ~2 microns normalized emittance 11:34 Beams dump  Trip of matching section R5  PIC PLC ( possible SEU) – see Markus Zerlauth Thursday morning 5-8-2011 LHC status

3 2000 LHC status 5-8-2011

4 2000: Luminosity lifetime LHC status 5-8-2011

5 Vacuum activity at P5 in fill 2001 LHC status 5-8-2011

6 Pt 1: BI BLM, RP Pt 2: ABT, M.Barnes, QPS D'Angelo, RP Pt 3: BI BLM, RP Pt 4: BI BLM, RP Pt 5: PIC Markus Zerlauth Pt 6: Pt 7: BI BLM, RP Pt 8: Cryogenics Thursday afternoon - access 5-8-2011 LHC status In shadow of PS switching back to POPS (POPS now operational) Among others (and experiments) Cryogenics: automatic reset of PLCs point 1 deployed

7 14:55 Patrol PM 56 lost  Patrol with Serge Di Luca  Fortunately Serge was with the team and performed online debugging. It looks like there is a problem with the door between sector 1 and 4 YCPS03=UJ56-0. This doors is sending a veto when in patrol mode or when coming from patrol mode, which is tripping all search boxes. Serge could implement a temporary solution but an intervention should be foreseen for the next technical stop 15:30 Problem with the MAD of UJ23: the door does not close. Access system of UJ16 sees a missing key.  Apparently this is a known problem: we need to go there and shake the keys. Note that the counter on the access system application sees zero keys missing. Access system problems 5-8-2011 LHC status

8 19:20 Pilots in Bit of a struggle with injection  Booster: slow kicker problem – resolved by piquet. Finally had beams for physics fill only at around 20:30.  The first attempt to fill for physics was dumped by injection losses. Before trying again, we re-steered the lines with 12b trains (small corrections were enough).  A second attempt for filing the machine was slowed down by a few problems in the SPS (BPM in LSS6, spurious interlocks from BLS in LSS2). Losses in the LHC were under control but we were stopped by injection oscillations that appeared suddenly.  Had to dump the stack and re-start  00:45 Injection of B2 36 bunches failed by IQC due to injection oscillations.  Careful re-steering of lines Thursday evening 5-8-2011 LHC status

9 02:40 Stable beams Fill 2005  New record: 2.05e33 03:00 Beams dumped  PLC PIC UJ14 CYCIP01 for inner triplet L1 lost  Markus Zerlauth to UJ14 05:45 Injecting  The injection was fine, only three warnings in IQC B2 from losses no higher than 4%. Stable beams fill 2006  1.64e14  1.18e11 ppb  Just over 2e33 Friday morning 5-8-2011 LHC status

10 Tunes increased by 1e-3 both beams, both planes ALICE have a cooling problem. Access required. OP continue to probe the meaning of ‘adiabatic’. Paul’s buying the beer – 17:00 in the CCC this evening Misc 5-8-2011 LHC status

11 A little shy of 2 fb-1 delivered stable LHC status 5-8-2011

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