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Bell Ringer #16 – 5/9/11 1. Define “infrastructure”. 2. What element of Chicago’s infrastructure would you like to see improve? 3. Explain the “class structure”

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer #16 – 5/9/11 1. Define “infrastructure”. 2. What element of Chicago’s infrastructure would you like to see improve? 3. Explain the “class structure”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer #16 – 5/9/11 1. Define “infrastructure”. 2. What element of Chicago’s infrastructure would you like to see improve? 3. Explain the “class structure” of most developing nations today.

2 Chapters 16 & 17 Quiz (Wednesday) Bourgeoisie Proletariat Economic Development Developed Nations Developing Nations Arable land Subsistence Agriculture Rapid Population Growth Inadequate human resources Capital formation 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd World Nations Inadequate Infrastructure Exportation Political Instability Class Structures in Developing Nations Hong Kong

3 Rapid Population Growth Population growth rate – the annual % of increase in a nation’s population. It is higher in most developing nations than in developed. A common rate in developing nations is 1.5%, while it is only.1% in most developed nations. That means the rate is over 10 times greater in developing nations! World population in 2001 was 6 billion. It is expected to be 7.8 billion by 2025.


5 Hong Kong In 1898, the British gov’t leased Hong Kong from China for 99 years. It became one of the strongest economies of Asia. In 1997, Hong Kong rejoined the People’s Republic of China. It has been able to sustain its economic success and individual freedoms under Chinese rule.

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