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Lesson 58 The Man Who Loved Dogs. Revision Put the following sentences into Chinese.  To play with my pet is a lot of fun.  To work overtime is bad.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 58 The Man Who Loved Dogs. Revision Put the following sentences into Chinese.  To play with my pet is a lot of fun.  To work overtime is bad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 58 The Man Who Loved Dogs

2 Revision Put the following sentences into Chinese.  To play with my pet is a lot of fun.  To work overtime is bad for your health.  To be a teacher is my dream.  To clean the room is her job.

3 New words  make up one’s mind 下决心  vet n. (口语)兽医  mostly adv . 主要地;大部分  heal v. 使(伤、病)痊 愈  pig n. 猪  education n. 教育;培养

4   Yorkshire n. 约克郡(英国)   countryside n. 乡下;农村   treat v . 治疗;对待   before long 不久以后   regard v. 看待;当作   exactly adv. 准确地;严格地   keep v. 饲养;照顾

5 Watch and think  There is a famous animal doctor in England. He wrote many books about animals, what’s his name?

6 Work out his experience  He was born in Scotland in 1915.  After Herriot graduated from high school, he went to college and wanted to be a vet.  After he graduated, he found a job in Yorkshire, England.  Herriot started treating the dogs.  Later in his life, he wrote many books, all about animals.

7 Retell story  James Herriot was…. He … with a pet dog. He loved animals so much because he …, especially for dog. After he graduated, he ….He started….He found sick dog were …, because….

8 Language points  1. make up one's mind to do something He has made up his mind to study English well.  2. go on with something Let’s go on with our lesson.  3. regard... as He regards his teacher as his mother.

9 Exercises in class  1. He made up his mind ________(study) English well.  2.________(treat) large animals is hard work.  3. It’s hard work ________(treat) the dogs.  4. Please go on ________(read) the text.  5. He grew up with a pet dog________ (name) Don.  6. The dogs ________ never________(treat) when they became sick.  7. Everyday as he went to the farmers ________(heal) sick animals. to study Treating to treat reading named were treated were treated to heal

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