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1 ve-canal-protester.jpg

2 What was the Love Canal? Supposed to be a “dream community” near Niagra Falls, New York, founded by William Love. Love dug a little canal to help power the community, but in 1920 it ended up being a chemical dumpsite. They covered up the dumpsite and didn’t tell people who moved there about it. AAAAAAACo/- QgjIJ3qUow/s320/12440_love_canal_locator.gif

3 Residents had to deal with birth defects, and plants around them were dying. (A swimming pool’s foundation was floating in a sea of chemicals). There were also a lot of miscarriages and cancers. The government had to relocate about 221 families to different places in the U.S. 02/dwe002g/dwe00214g31.jpg

4 Resource lovecanal/01.html

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