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Activity 1st Step. What to do? To identify a problem or opportunity related to agriculture protection.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity 1st Step. What to do? To identify a problem or opportunity related to agriculture protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity 1st Step

2 What to do? To identify a problem or opportunity related to agriculture protection.

3 Problem - Reporting of Pest Outbreak such as Taro Leaf Blight and timeliness of the implementation of the Emergency Response Plan

4 Problem

5 Explanation Before we use to have the Quarantine Section with the Department of Agriculture. Since then, the Plant Protection, Animal Health &Production and the Quarantine Section have its own monitoring/surveillance unit Timeliness of transferring information from one unit to the other is time consuming No clear demarcation of the reporting system emplace. Now with the creation of Bio-security of Fiji [BAF] all the legislative power under the plant protection and the Animal health & production is under the New updated legislation of BAF However, the flow diagram of response plan is still yet to be finalized and causing the delay in reporting system and should there be an outbreak such as taro leaf blight will ruin our export market The outbreak of TLB in Fiji will affect our Million dollar industry

6 Explanation The current reporting system needs to be redefine to streamline the process for effective and efficient information transfer for the timely implementing of the emergency response plan We need to put together a generic response plan to response to such outbreak of any pest or disease in a timely manner The current system, there is a lot players or actors BAF is now a Government Corporatize Body that will be privatize soon And the streamlining of the emergency response will be beneficial to the country export pathway Revised Flow diagram extension pest id flow.docRevised Flow diagram extension pest id flow.doc

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