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The President.

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Presentation on theme: "The President."— Presentation transcript:

1 The President

2 Roles Chief of state Chief executive Chief administrator
Chief diplomat Commander in chief Chief legislator Chief of party Chief citizen

3 Qualifications Natural born citizen 35 years old
Lived in the United States for 14 years List 5 informal qualifications you believe a candidate needs in order to be President.

4 Term 4 year term Originally no term limit 22nd Amendment
Debated a single 6 or 7 year term Originally no term limit 22nd Amendment What is the purpose of the 22nd Amendment?

5 Term Limit Do you agree with the 2 term limit?
Some Presidents have argued for the repeal of the 22nd Amendment Limits the peoples democratic rights Undercuts Presidents authority at the end of the 2 term Others have argued for a single 6 year term No more campaigning, just governing

6 Benefits $400,000 salary $50,000 expense allowance White House
Air Force One Camp David Best healthcare Travel and entertainment funds Do you think the President is paid fairly for their job?

7 Electoral College What is it? How are they chosen? How do they vote?
Representatives from the states who cast ballots for the President How are they chosen? Based on the results of the popular vote within each state How do they vote? ALL electors vote for winner of popular vote in state – “rubber stamp” How does that differ from the Framers’ intention?

8 Counting Electoral Votes
Electors vote in their respective states Monday after the 2nd Wednesday in December Sent to the President of the Senate to be opened and counted on Jan 6th Is this when we find out who the President will be?


10 Flaws What are the three flaws in the electoral college system?
Winner of the popular vote not guaranteed to win the election Electors are not required to vote with the people Could be decided by the HoR

11 Diplomatic and Military Powers

12 Treaties A formal agreement between two or more sovereign states
2/3 Senate approval Same legal standing as act of Congress If conflicts with law, whichever was passed more recently is the law Can be declared unconstitutional

13 Executive Agreements Pact between the President and a foreign head of state How do they differ from treaties? Don’t require Senate approval Primarily used for routine agreements Often used as extensions of legislation passed by Congress or treaties which the Senate has approved Can be used for extraordinary circumstances Destroyers for bases (1940)

14 Appointments President has the power to appoint with Senate approval
Cabinet members Federal Judges Ambassadors Other high ranking officials

15 Temporary Appointments
President can appoint without approval if Senate is in recess Only lasts until end of Congressional Term Has power to grant pardons and reprieves Except in cases of impeachment

16 Presidential Duties Must address Congress once a year
State of the Union Address Call Congress into/out of session Serves as host to foreign ambassadors/ministers Make sure all laws are being executed

17 Impeachment May be impeached for Treason Bribery Other high crimes

18 Line of Succession 25th Amendment spells it out
If there is a vacancy in the Vice Presidency, the President can appoint a new one with approval of both houses The VP, Pres. Pro Temp, and Speaker can decide whether the Pres. is fit to work and when he can return.

19 Line of Succession President VP Speaker Pres. Pro Temp Sec. of State
Sec. of Treasury Sec. of Defense

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