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Halloween is a holiday where kids dress up for candy. It is not the same as it used to be. Long ago people would dress up so the ghosts wouldn’t get them…

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2 Halloween is a holiday where kids dress up for candy. It is not the same as it used to be. Long ago people would dress up so the ghosts wouldn’t get them…

3 Speaking of ghosts…the belief in ghosts has been around as long as there has been someone dead. They say ghosts only appear when they can’t cross to the other side. It could have been they wanted revenge or the missed their loved one. They love to haunt houses of the people they did not like. Who knows? There might even be one in your house…Go to the next page if you dare…

4 Zombies are people that come back from the dead. Usually they want blood. Their limbs break off too. They go after the first person they find…you could be next…

5 Witches are women who cast spells on people. They can be good or evil. Some will turn you into frogs. Usually they will put curses on you. They also ride on brooms and they LOVE black cats.

6 Kids dress up for candy on Halloween every year. Some of the most popular costumes are witches, vampires, and skeletons.

7 I’ve saved the best for last. Candy is really the only reason kids celebrate Halloween. They love getting their favorite kinds.


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