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THE WAR OF THE AESIR AND VANIR. The witch Gullveig came to visit Odin in Asgard. She came to speak to the Aesir, but she only succeeded in offending.

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Presentation on theme: "THE WAR OF THE AESIR AND VANIR. The witch Gullveig came to visit Odin in Asgard. She came to speak to the Aesir, but she only succeeded in offending."— Presentation transcript:



3 The witch Gullveig came to visit Odin in Asgard. She came to speak to the Aesir, but she only succeeded in offending them. She spoke of her love- no LUST-for gold.

4 The Aesir thought the world would be better off without her and angrily seized her and tortured her. Her body was full of spears.

5 Gullveig was thrown into the gigantic fire in the middle of the hall. She was burned to death. There was a problem, however. When the fire burned out Gullveig stepped from the ashes alive and reborn.

6 The Aesir burned her three times; she arose three times.

7 Gullveig was a seer. She went into trances and cast spells. She enchanted wooden wands to allow them to control magic. She was a mistress of evil. All evil women were in awe of her.

8 When the Vanir learned how the Aesir had treated Gullveig they were as upset as the Aesir had been by her gold lust. They swore vengeance and began to prepare for war against the Aesir.

9 Odin knew what they planned. The Aesir also prepared for war. Soon the two armies moved against each other. Odin threw his spear into the ranks of the Vanir. This was the beginning of the first war in the world.

10 The Vanir surged forward using spells and magic to reduce the walls of Asgard to rubble. Then the Aesir attacked Vanaheim and destroyed as much of it as had been destroyed in Asgard.

11 The battle raged back and forth, but it became evident that no clear winner would be forthcoming.

12 Eventually the gods became tired of fighting and began to speak of forming a truce. The Aesir and Vanir leaders met to discuss terms. Of course, the leaders argued about fault and tribute.

13 After much deliberation the two groups proclaimed they would live side by side in harmony. They would ensure this peace through an exchange of leaders.

14 The two leaders from the Vanir were Njord and his son Freyr. Njord’s daughter Freyja joined them as well as Kvasir-the wisest of the Vanir.

15 The Aesir welcomed them and accepted them even though Freyja and Freyr were the result of Njord’s relationship with his own sister.

16 Njord and Freyr were appointed high priests to preside over sacrifices. Freyja was consecrated as a sacrificial priestess. She taught the Aesir all of the witchcraft commonly used in the land of the Vanir.

17 The Aesir sent long-legged Honir and wise Mimir to Vanaheim. Honir was tall, strong, and good looking, so the Aesir felt he would make an enviable leader.

18 Mimir was like Kvasir- believed to be the most knowledgeable of all his people.

19 The Vanir did accept Honir, and they apointed him to be one of their leaders. Mimir was always on Honir’s right side whispering advice. Together they were supremely wise- separate Honir was unable to make a decision.

20 Without Mimir’s wisdom, Honir’s reply to any question was invariably, “Well, let the others decide.”

21 The Vanir began to suspect they had been tricked by the Aesir as Honir’s shortcomings became more evident. Their suspicion turned to anger, their anger to revenge.

22 They seized Mimir and hacked off his head. They told messengers to take it back to those who had sent it: Odin and the Aesir.

23 Odin took Mimir’s head and held it gently. He smeared it with magic herbs to keep it from decay. The he sang charms and made magic to give the head the renewed power of speech.

24 Mimir’s head was set to guard the well near Jotunheim. It is this well where Odin ultimately loses his eye.

25 Sunday-the sun Monday-the moon Tuesday-Tyr Wednesday-Woden or Odin Thursday-Thor Friday-Frey Saturday-Saturn

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