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Global Geography 12. The goal The aim of this course is to help you understand how the major physical, climatic, biological, economic, and cultural features.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Geography 12. The goal The aim of this course is to help you understand how the major physical, climatic, biological, economic, and cultural features."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Geography 12

2 The goal The aim of this course is to help you understand how the major physical, climatic, biological, economic, and cultural features of Earth are all connectedThe aim of this course is to help you understand how the major physical, climatic, biological, economic, and cultural features of Earth are all connected

3 Definition of Geography: The study of the physical and human environments of the world and the way in which they interact. The study of the planet, the people that live there, and their connection to their environment.The study of the physical and human environments of the world and the way in which they interact. The study of the planet, the people that live there, and their connection to their environment.

4 Why Study Geography? Geography provides an answer to why the world is the way it is today.Geography provides an answer to why the world is the way it is today. Geography is one of the oldest sciencesGeography is one of the oldest sciences It was practiced by the earliest civilizations which would use it to locate places to build For example, which offered the most protection from the environmentIt was practiced by the earliest civilizations which would use it to locate places to build For example, which offered the most protection from the environment –Or availability of resources.

5 Location Answers the question where? The old school geography concentrated on this sole question.Answers the question where? The old school geography concentrated on this sole question. The answer can be specific:The answer can be specific: –Halifax –45° 34′ 44″N Or general:Or general: –About 21 miles outside Halifax

6 Region Way of grouping information into units of a reasonable size for study.Way of grouping information into units of a reasonable size for study. Definition: Area of land that has recognizable features boundaries. It has a scale or size.Definition: Area of land that has recognizable features boundaries. It has a scale or size. –Annapolis Valley or Hudson bay drainage basin There are cultural regions as wellThere are cultural regions as well –The Muslim world; English-speaking world –Indonesia –The Rockies –The Caribbean

7 Spatial Pattern Spatial distribution occurs when some phenomena or certain issues can be found in more than one locationSpatial distribution occurs when some phenomena or certain issues can be found in more than one location Geographers study whether this occurrence forms a patternGeographers study whether this occurrence forms a pattern For example, geographers have noticed that suburbs where wealthy people live are located a comfortable distance away from less desirable land uses such as landfills or heavy industryFor example, geographers have noticed that suburbs where wealthy people live are located a comfortable distance away from less desirable land uses such as landfills or heavy industry

8 Spatial Interaction Events in one region can impact another region.Events in one region can impact another region. –For Example, Canada’s acid rain problem originates in the manufacturing belt of the U.S –Also, Globalization –The spread of AIDS

9 Human Environmental Interaction The effects humans have on the environment.The effects humans have on the environment. –For example, Logging The effects the environment has on humansThe effects the environment has on humans –Severe weather

10 Cultural People of different cultures have different views about the environment. Native people used hunting as a way of life and ensured that nothing of an animal was ever wasted.People of different cultures have different views about the environment. Native people used hunting as a way of life and ensured that nothing of an animal was ever wasted.

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