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Western Europe Chapter 3 Section 3 West Central Europe Today.

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1 Western Europe Chapter 3 Section 3 West Central Europe Today

2  West Central Europe  Austria  Belgium  France  Germany  Liechtenstein  Luxembourg  Monaco  Netherlands  Switzerland At the Center of the European Union

3  All of West Central Europe has joined the European Union except for:  Switzerland  Liechtenstein  Monaco At the Center of the European Union

4  Why have some countries joined the EU while others have not?  do not meet certain guidelines.  some want to be members in certain ways, but not in others  Germany and France are the largest EU countries by population  make up 1/3 of the entire population At the Center of the European Union

5 Reading Check How might a larger nation influence laws in an alliance such as the European Union? A larger nation might have more political or economic power and could use that power to encourage lawmakers to make policies for its benefit alone. At the Center of the European Union

6 The French Economy  has fertile soil, a mild climate, and large areas of level land.  farms, dairies, and vineyards produce:  wines  chesses  grains  The EU ensures that these products reach people around the world. France: History and Diversity

7 The French Economy  largest industry is tourism  historic sites, scenery, shopping, art, food France: History and Diversity

8 The French Economy  a republic with a strong centralized government  In the past, the government owned many industries such as airlines, banks, and telecommunications.  Much of that has changed due to privatization.  private ownership of business France: History and Diversity

9 City of Light  Paris is the capital city.  known as the City of Light  economic center France: History and Diversity

10 The New Face of France  More than 5 million immigrants live in France.  other European countries  North and West Africa  The French Government added an immigration ministry.  offers money to immigrants to return home and have successful lives in their native country  Continued immigration could change France.  Muslim communities will grow  conflicts might occur France: History and Diversity

11 Reading Check How have immigrants changed religious life in France? To France’s historically Catholic society, immigrants have added a large population who practice Islam. France: History and Diversity

12  Belgium  Luxembourg  Netherlands The Low Countries

13 Belgium: EU Headquarters  Constitutional Monarchy  relies on trade  high standard of living  High GNP (gross national product)  annual income of a national companies and residents The Low Countries

14 Belgium: EU Headquarters  Three regions  Flanders in the north  speak Flemish  Wallonia in the south  speak French  Brussels  speak French and Flemish The Low Countries

15 Landlocked Luxembourg  Constitutional Monarchy  Member of EU and NATO  Languages  French  German  Luxembourgish (German dialect)  Many people bank in Luxembourg because of its strict banking laws. The Low Countries

16 The Netherlands: A Fragile Balance  More than half of the Netherlands is below sea level.  Building of dikes  levees or long dams  keep out water  Live on polders  areas of land reclaimed from lake bottoms or seabeds  windmills power pumps to drain water from the land. The Low Countries

17 The Netherlands: A Fragile Balance  The Dutch’s relationship to the sea  Positive – history of sea trade  Negative – a fight to protect Dutch land from being flooding The Low Countries

18 Reading Check How do the Dutch use windmills? The Dutch use windmills to power pumps that drain the land. The Low Countries

19 A United Germany  The fall of the Berlin wall led to the reunification of East and West Germany. Germany: Industrial Giant

20 A Rich Culture  Germany promotes education to avoid mistakes of the past. Germany: Industrial Giant

21 Building Tolerance  West Germany recruited guest workers after World War II due to a labor shortage.  Immigrants still come to Germany  Turkey  Middle East  Eastern Europe  German descendants returning to their homeland Germany: Industrial Giant

22 Building Tolerance  Diverse population encourages tolerance  Anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic groups such as neo-Nazi have caused conflict through violent marches.  Many Turks claim they have encountered racism and prejudice. Germany: Industrial Giant

23 Reading Check What are some reason that immigrant have moved to Germany? for work or to return to their family’s homeland Germany: Industrial Giant

24  Austria and Germany have strong linguistic (language) and cultural ties.  Prosperous Democracy  Tourism is the largest industry  Alpine scenery  ski resorts Austria and Switzerland

25  Switzerland is one of the world’s oldest democracies.  long history of neutrality  not taking sides in wars  has led to an uneasy relationship with international organizations such as the United Nations  formally joined the UN in 2002 Austria and Switzerland

26 Reading Check What industry contributes to the economies of both Alpine nations? Tourism Austria and Switzerland

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