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STUDY SKILLS COURSE EXPECTATIONS. Course Scope This one semester course is designed to develop positive attitudes toward study skills and lifelong learning.

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2 Course Scope This one semester course is designed to develop positive attitudes toward study skills and lifelong learning. Its themes relate directly to the CCSD’s Strategic Plan 2000 and to the National Development Guidelines. Topics include realistic explorations of self-worth, interests, aptitudes, study skills, and abilities that will provide an effective background for academic success, goal setting and decision making. Study skills such as note-taking, time management and organization will be highly covered.

3 COURSE OUTLINE A. This course may consist of but is not limited to lectures, textbook information, group projects and guest speaker. B. The Nevada Careers Information System may be utilized during this course provided students have access to computers.

4 Grading Policy A. Grading Scale 100-90% = A 89-80% = B 79-70% = C 69%-60% = D 59 – Lower = F (you have to try to get this grade)

5 B. Grading Procedures 1.Grades will be based on the following: tests, quizzes, bookwork, assignments, homework, and projects. 2.Poor attendance and excessive tardiness will have a negative impact on the student’s grade. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MAKEUP WORK! 3.Little or no participation will have a negative impact on a student’s grades( this includes study days) 4.Citizenship grades will be in compliance with the classroom rules. 5.Most assignments will be given so as to allow students some class time to work on them. Students will be held accountable for completing their assignments with quality and on time. 6.Students will maintain a three-ring notebook with assignments kept in order of completion. It will be checked periodically. 7.Prior to turning in assignments, students are responsible for accurate spelling, grammar, and neatness. 8.Extra credit may be assigned by the instructor during the semester.

6 C. Basis for Quarter and Semester Grade Quarter Grade –In-class assignments 40% –Homework and Tests 40% –Project 20% Semester Grade - 40% 1 st Quarter Grade - 40% 2 nd Quarter Grade - 20% Final Exam

7 D. Makeup Procedures 1. See line 2 above. 2. After any absence students are required to initiate contact with the instructor to obtain makeup work within two days of their return. 3. Students are allowed the same number of days as they were absent to complete the work assigned. The instructor reserves the right to modify assignments.

8 Classroom Behavior Expectations A. Classroom Rules: 1.Follow directions the first time they are given. 2.Be prepared to work until the bell rings. 3.Loud talking and/or horseplay will not be tolerated 4.Fighting and profanity will not be tolerated. 5.Respect other classmates and their possessions. 6.No headphones, pagers, or electronic devices allowed in class. 7.No food or drink allowed in class. 8.Students must adhere to the school’s tardy policy. 9.All Legacy policies are strictly enforced.

9 B. Consequences: 1. Verbal warning 2. Student/teacher conference 3. Parent notification 4. Referral to Dean

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