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Genetics Since Mendel Unit 9 – Lesson 2 Notes. Modern Genetics We know about dominant and recessive genes, now we are going to learn about other types.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics Since Mendel Unit 9 – Lesson 2 Notes. Modern Genetics We know about dominant and recessive genes, now we are going to learn about other types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics Since Mendel Unit 9 – Lesson 2 Notes

2 Modern Genetics We know about dominant and recessive genes, now we are going to learn about other types of genetic traits, such as –Incomplete dominance –Multiple alleles –Polygenic Inheritance –Mutations

3 Incomplete Dominance Neither allele for a trait is dominant. The phenotype produced is intermediate between the two homozygous parents.


5 Multiple Alleles More than two alleles are multiple alleles. Traits controlled by multiple alleles produce more than three phenotypes.

6 Multiple Alleles There are 3 alleles for the gene that determines blood type. (Remember: You have just 2 of the 3 in your genotype --- 1 from mom & 1 from dad). Notice that, according to the symbols used in the table above, that the allele for "O" (i) is recessive to the alleles for "A" & "B". ALLELE IA IB i CODES FOR Type "A" Blood Type "B" Blood Type "O" Blood GENOTYPES I A I A I A i RESULTING PHENOTYPES Type A Type A IBIBIBiIBIBIBiType B IAIBIAIB Type AB iiType O

7 Polygenic Inheritance A group of gene pairs acts together to produce a trait, which creates more variety in phenotypes. Many human traits are controlled by polygenic inheritance, such as hair and eye color.

8 Polygenic Inheritance Example

9 Mutations Mutations – genes that are altered or copied incorrectly. –A mutation can be harmful, beneficial, or have no effect. –Chromosome disorders – caused by more or fewer chromosomes than normal.

10 Mutations –Down syndrome – caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21.

11 Recessive Genetic Disorders Both parents have a recessive allele responsible for the disorder and pass it on to their child. Because the parents are heterozygous, they don’t show any symptoms. PPPp Pppp P P p p Disorder Expressed

12 Recessive Genetic Disorders Examples Homozygous recessive disorders. –PKU –Cystic Fibrosis –Sickle-Cell Anemia

13 Other Genetic Disorders Genes that determine the sex of an organism are XX in females and XY in males. Females produce eggs with an X chromosome only. Males produce sperm with either an X or Y chromosome. EGGS XX X X X SPERMS X X YY Y

14 Other Genetic Disorders Disorders –Turners Syndrome XO –Triple X Syndrome XXX –Klinefelter syndrome XXY –XYY XYY

15 Sex-linked Disorders An allele inherited on an X or Y chromosome is a sex- linked gene. Color blindness is a sex-linked disorder caused by a recessive allele on the X chromosome.

16 Pedigree A pedigree follows a trait through generations of a family. –Carriers of trait are half shaded. –People with trait are fully shaded. –Squares show males. –Circles show females.

17 Orange Shows the Trait Who carries the gene? M or F How many people are colorblind?

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