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QUIZ!. QUESTION 1 "My clothes are soaked because it is ___________ rain outside." A)Pairing B)Pouring C)Poring D)purring.

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Presentation on theme: "QUIZ!. QUESTION 1 "My clothes are soaked because it is ___________ rain outside." A)Pairing B)Pouring C)Poring D)purring."— Presentation transcript:


2 QUESTION 1 "My clothes are soaked because it is ___________ rain outside." A)Pairing B)Pouring C)Poring D)purring

3 QUESTION 2 "I'm going out for a walk. It's only ___________.” A) Drizzling A)Dizzying B)Drizzying C)drissling

4 QUESTION 3 "It's raining outside. You should grab your _________ to stay dry." A)Hambrella B)Ambrulla C)Umbrella D)embrella

5 QUESTION 4 "Come inside and get warm by the fire. You are __________!" A)Saked B)Soaked C)Sowked D)socked

6 QUESTION 5 "I don't need an umbrella because it is only __________ outside." A)Spitting B)Spatting C)Speeding D)drenched

7 QUESTION 6 When there many clouds A)The day is rainy B)The day is windy C)The day is cloudy

8 QUESTION 7 There is a sunshine outside, then… A)The day is wet B)The day is sunny C)There are many clouds

9 QUESTION 8 The day is ____today. It’s not too hot nor too cold. A) warm B) freezing C) mild

10 QUESTION 9 It’s so hot today! The air is so______ A) Dry B) Moist/ damp C) Cold

11 QUESTION 10 It’s ____outside! There is so much snow! A) sunny B) cold C) freezing

12 Simple future

13 We use the simple future tense to say something will happen in the future. We also use it to express decisions, willingness, consequences, predictions, and promises.

14 Examples: We will have a listening class next week It will rain tomorrow There will be many storms around the country next year Friday will be cloudy Tuesday will be sunny

15 Negative form Will + not = won’t Monday won’t rain There will not be clouds tomorrow Friday won’t be cloudy

16 Interrogative forms Will it be rainy tomorrow? Will it be cloudy on Friday? Will there be a sun tomorrow?

17 Contracted forms I’ll She’ll Will + not = won’t There + will + be = There’ll be There + will + not + be = There’ll not be

18 Exercises Book pages: 133, 134, 135, 136.

19 Final Assignment Choose a city in world Write a weather forecast Present it to your classmates Your weather forecast should include: A) regions of the city B) Air and Visibility conditions C) Adequate verbs D) Adequante verbal tense (Simple future)

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