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Do Now 1.Describe fourth degree burn. 2.What is albinism? 3.What is necrotizing fasciitis? 4.What are the three layers of skin? 5.What do you know about.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 1.Describe fourth degree burn. 2.What is albinism? 3.What is necrotizing fasciitis? 4.What are the three layers of skin? 5.What do you know about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 1.Describe fourth degree burn. 2.What is albinism? 3.What is necrotizing fasciitis? 4.What are the three layers of skin? 5.What do you know about bones?

2 Agenda »Do Now & Review »Data Days »Updates »Notes: Bones! »Exercise mini lab

3 Updates »Your second biomedical terms quiz is on Thursday »Homework is due on Thursday (have the week to complete it)

4 Class Competition Update

5 Biomedical Terms: »1. Ventro – »Abdomen/belly »2. Capill– »Hair »3. Pelvi – » Pelvic/pelvis region »4. Pedi – »Foot »5. Planto – »sole of the foot

6 PIMP These Words »1. Ventral »Relating to the front »2. capillary »Hair follicle »3. Pelvic » Relating/characteristics of pelvis »4. Pedal » Relating to the foot »5. Plantar »Relating to the bottom of the foot or to “plant”

7 Break Apart »Capillary »Capill-ary »Pelvicle »pelvi-le »Pedeal »Pede-al »Ventric »Ventr-ic »Plantar »Plant-ar

8 Parts of the Skeletal System 1.Bones (living organism-has blood supply, needs nutrients & oxygen) Osteocytes: bone cells 2. Cartilage (fibers are embedded in a firm gel instead of in a calcified cement substance like in bones) Chondrocytes: cartilage cells 3. Joints (articulations) 4. Ligaments (hold bone to bone) 5. Tendons (hold bone to muscle)

9 Functions of Bones 1. Support the body 2. Protect soft organ »Skull and vertebrae for brain and spinal cord »Rib cage for thoracic cavity organs 3. Allow Movement due to attached skeletal muscles 4. Store minerals and fats »Calcium and phosphorus »Fat in the internal marrow cavity 5. Blood cell formation (process is called hematopoiesis)

10 Two subdivisions of the skeleton: 1.Axial skeleton: Skull, Ribs, Sternum, Hyoid bone and Vertebrae Protect major organs like the brain, heart and lungs

11 2. Appendicular skeleton: Upper Extremities: Shoulder, arms, wrists, hands, fingers Lower Extremities: Pelvic girdle, legs, ankles, feet, toes


13 BONE #1: CRANIUM 1. Cranium The skull Protects the brain

14 cranium

15 BONE #2: CLAVICLE 2. Clavicle The collarbone

16 cranium clavicle

17 BONE #3: SCAPULA 3. Scapula The shoulder blade Connects the arms to the rest of the body

18 cranium clavicle scapula

19 BONE #4: HUMERUS 4. Humerus The upper arm

20 cranium clavicle scapula humerus

21 BONE #5: RADIUS 5. Radius The forearm bone that runs along the thumb side

22 cranium clavicle scapula humerus radius

23 BONE #6: ULNA 6. Ulna The bone that runs along the little finger side of the forearm Meets the humerus at the elbow joint

24 cranium clavicle scapula humerus radius ulna


26 BONE #7: CARPALS 7. Carpals The short bones that form the wrist

27 cranium clavicle scapula humerus radius ulna carpels

28 BONE #8: METACARPALS 8. Metacarpals The 5 tiny long bones in the hand that join with the fingers at the knuckle

29 cranium clavicle scapula humerus radius ulna carpals metacarpals

30 BONE #9: PHALANGES 9. Phalanges The finger bones

31 cranium clavicle scapula humerus radius phalanges carpals metacarpals ulna


33 BONE #10: RIB CAGE 10. Rib cage protects the heart and lungs

34 BONE #11: VERTEBRAE 11. Vertebrae Bones of the spine

35 BONE #12: PELVIS 12. Pelvis

36 BONE #13: FEMUR 13. Femur The thigh bone The largest and strongest bone in the body

37 BONE #14: PATELLA 14. Patella The knee cap

38 BONE #15: FIBULA 15. Fibula The calf bone The smallest of the leg bones

39 BONE #16: TIBIA 16. Tibia The shin bone

40 BONE #17: TARSALS 17. Tarsals the ankle bones

41 BONE #18: METATARSALS 18. Metatarsals the foot bones


43 Expectations for Mini Lab »What is happening to your body during exercise? »Keep to a volume 1 voice »Read and follow directions, must be working with a partner

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