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Joint Programme Enhancing judicial reform in the Eastern Partnership countries Conseil de l'EuropeUnion européenne Council of EuropeEuropean Union.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Programme Enhancing judicial reform in the Eastern Partnership countries Conseil de l'EuropeUnion européenne Council of EuropeEuropean Union."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Programme Enhancing judicial reform in the Eastern Partnership countries Conseil de l'EuropeUnion européenne Council of EuropeEuropean Union

2 Topics Judiciary  Independence  Professionalism  Efficiency  Accountability  Transparency

3 General purpose Support judicial reform in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine judiciary

4 Sources  Case law of ECtHR  Venice Commission  CEPEJ, CCJE, CCPE  Execution of judgments of the ECtHR  Implemented or ongoing CoE/EU Joint Programmes and CoE VC in the six countries judiciary

5 Objectives  Challenges vs European standards on judiciary: identification  Solutions: finding  Recommendations: dissemination and follow-up judiciary

6 Activities  Working groups with experts  WGs conclusions 'dissemination  Raising public awareness  Steering Committee judiciary

7 Expert working groups: regional think-tanks 1.WG “Independent judiciary”: Sub-groups: Judicial self-governing bodies Career of judges and prosecutors 2. WG “Professional judiciary”: Sub-groups:Legal professionals Training of judges and prosecutors 3. WG “Efficient judiciary”: Sub-groups: Financing of judiciary Backlog judiciary

8 A. Expert working groups Purpose: weaknesses and lacunae within topics: identification Who:  CoE experts;  professionals from participating countries: representatives of MoJ, Supreme Court, Judicial Council, Bar Association Subject: European standards and countries’ own experience: discussion Outcome: best practice and recommendations: formulation judiciary

9 B. Dissemination and follow-up Purpose: Identifying areas where progress is needed Proposing measures: adjusting national policies By means:  Policy round tables  Translation and publication: WG recommendations judiciary

10 C. Public awareness measures Purpose:  Raising awareness about Project’s findings  Reinforcement of national ownership Who: Legal professionals, NGOs, professional associations judiciary

11 D. Steering Committee Purpose: Guidance, supervision and results review Who:  Beneficiary countries  Council of Europe  European Commission judiciary

12 Activities Next steps:  Members of WGs and sub-groups: Appointment  CoE experts for WGs: Appointment  Meeting representatives of beneficiary institutions (early May 2011) judiciary

13 On behalf of Legal and Human Rights Capacity Building Department of Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs Thank you for your attention For further details about the project please contact:

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