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Restorative Art Introduction and Orientation. Restorative Art  Mayer: page 501  “care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color”  4 objectives:

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Presentation on theme: "Restorative Art Introduction and Orientation. Restorative Art  Mayer: page 501  “care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color”  4 objectives:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Restorative Art Introduction and Orientation

2 Restorative Art  Mayer: page 501  “care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color”  4 objectives: 1) ease psychological effect on the family 1) ease psychological effect on the family 2) make good public relations for the firm 2) make good public relations for the firm 3) lessen morbid curiosity of the public 3) lessen morbid curiosity of the public 4) professional responsibility 4) professional responsibility

3 Anatomical Position  Klicker page 14  “the body is erect, feet together, palms facing forward, and thumbs pointed away from the body” Terms of Form, Position and Direction Left and right are also in reference to the decedent’s left and right.

4 Terms (cont’d)  Anterior and Posterior  Superior and Inferior  Medial and Lateral  Bilateral  Frontal and Profile  Planes: median, horizontal, oblique, surface  Projection and Recession

5 Terms (cont’d)  Depression and Protrusion  Concave/Concavity and Convex/Convexity  Inclination  Symmetry and Asymmetry  Physiognomy  Norm

6 Classes of Cases Requiring Restoration  Klicker page 81 and Mayer page 505  1) Injuries  2) Disease (Pathological)  3) Post-mortem Tissue Changes  4) Embalming  Conservative Approach (Mayer page 489)

7 Types of Restoration  Klicker page 9  Minor Restoration: “requiring minimum effort, skill, or time to complete”  Major Restoration: “those requiring a long period of time, are extensive, require advanced technical skill, and expressed written consent to perform”

8 Time-table of Restorative Treatments  Klicker page 81 and Mayer page 507  Pre-embalming Treatments  Embalming Treatments  Post-embalming Treatments

9 Ethnic Characteristics  Klicker page 12  White/European/Caucasian/Caucasoid  Black/African/Negroid  Yellow/Asiatic/Mongoloid

10 Geometric Form of the Normal Skull  Infant (Birth)  Adult  Female  Aging

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